Read between the lines.Troll.


Jun 19, 2002
Smokers, obese should pay more health insurance: poll By Kim Dixon
Tue Nov 14, 4:20 PM ET

Most Americans believe smokers and obese people should pay more for health insurance, but they have mixed views on how to help the millions without any health insurance, according to a survey published on Tuesday.

The poll of about 1,500 people found that that about 80 percent believe the U.S. health insurance system, with 46.6 million uninsured, needs fixing.

Sixty percent of those polled favored higher premiums for smokers while 30 percent felt the obese should pay more.

"When it comes to personal responsibility, consumers increasingly support making people pay more for unhealthy behavior," said the report in the journal Health Affairs.

The survey came a week after Democrats, who generally support more government measures to help the uninsured than Republicans, won control of both houses of Congress.

And on Monday, the health insurance industry unexpectedly threw its support behind a plan for nearly universal health insurance.

The rate of uninsured, now nearly 16 percent of Americans, has been climbing for years, driven by consumer demand and escalating prices for prescription drugs and hospital care.

About 20 percent of large employers are already giving discounts to workers who do not smoke, according to Helen Darling, president of the National Business Group on Health, which lobbies for corporations on health issues.

"The non-smoker's discount is growing in popularity and I think it is going to grow faster," she said.

As to obesity, "I think it will be a while before we get to the point where people begin tying a financial discount to something like BMI (body mass index)," she said.


The poll of 1,517 people conducted in July 2006 found consumers are ambiguous on the role of government and health insurance.

Two-thirds said government should move toward universal health insurance, but 55 percent said the government's role should be limited to help the poor, unemployed and those otherwise unable to buy it.

Said Darling: "Our view is that it has to be shared responsibility; the government is going to have to pay," meaning taxpayers.

About 52 percent of those polled supported mandatory insurance, while 48 percent said it should be left the individual to decide.

Massachusetts and Vermont this year enacted laws requiring individuals and employers to help fund nearly universal health insurance in their states.

America's Health Insurance Plans, the trade group for health insurers, has proposed a $300 billion, 10-year plan to extend coverage first to the poor and later to most adults.

A second study published in Health Affairs said employers, which cover more than 90 percent of the workforce, still view health insurance as a key recruitment tool.

That survey of about 3,000 managers found about two-thirds of employers believe they should share in health insurance costs for workers, which could include paying into a fund for the uninsured.


Jul 5, 2001
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

smokers should pay more than non-smokers
Fat people should pay more than skinny people
what about alcoholics should they pay more than non- alcoholics? etc etc etc


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

No reason to stop with obesity and smoking. Weight premiums on total health risk, i.e. diabetes, arthritis, asthma, COPD, number of miles driven to/from work, job duties, family history, etc. Re-evaluate every year to establish premiums for the next year.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

BoatBuoy said:
No reason to stop with obesity and smoking. Weight premiums on total health risk, i.e. diabetes, arthritis, asthma, COPD, number of miles driven to/from work, job duties, family history, etc. Re-evaluate every year to establish premiums for the next year.

and dont forget federalized healthcare....this is all just incrimental steps to hillarys heathcare plan...this is how in manafests folks.


May 17, 2001
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

I'm just curious on how many of the 46.6 million without health care are under the age of 30. Usually it is after that age is when health issues arise. So,,,,,is there really a need to insure that age group that maybe will not need any coverage? Bottom line is that the insurance companys want to feed off of that age group that won't require any health care until later. I personally never had health care until I was 35 and had never used any insurance for major claims. To this day I haven't had a need to use it for anything major, but it does make me feel better knowing that I do have it.

Obesity has far more health problems than smokers will ever have. A person that smokes can quit and in 7 years his/hers lungs can be regenerated. A person weighing over 375 that looses its weight will need surgery to get rid of the flab. Another question is that who is going to be paying for that surgery on the person that may have not had the will power to control their diet?

We are who we are and should be responsible for ourselves and not be obligated to pay for others bad habits.

Back in the 60's there was about 70% of the population that smoked, only about 25% overweight. Now they claim there is about 35% who smoke and about 65% overweight. The tide has turned showing that one is just as bad as the other....I'm truely glad I did quit smoking. It has been a tad over 2 months now and I have gained 20 pounds. I'm actually more active now than when I smoked to help counterbalance the habit of non-stop eating. (at least it seems that way) I'm starting to think maybe it is a no win situation.:'(


Nov 29, 2000
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

health insurance is just that. Insurance. The costs are an excercise for actuaries. Just like Life insurance or car insurance, the individual factors should go into the underwriting process. Whcih means smokers pay more, couch potatoes pay more, discounts for health club membership, etc.. I have not problems with than.

Health care is not one of our inalienable rights.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

Boaters pay more.
Skiers pay more.
Fishermen that use sharp hooks pay more.
People that get wild at parties pay more.
People with 2 story houses pay more.
People with hard floors pay more.
People that use a bathtub pay more.
People that leave the safety of their now mandated soft walled houses will pay more.

Where will it end?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 18, 2006
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

Sounds like another diversionary tactic to take attention away from the real issue, which is the extreme cost of health care. Somebody has to get control of that & fast. The real obesity is in the wallets of the drug companies & heath care providers. Trim that fat & the insurance issue becomes much more manageable.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

rogerwa said:
health insurance is just that. Insurance. The costs are an excercise for actuaries. Just like Life insurance or car insurance, the individual factors should go into the underwriting process. Whcih means smokers pay more, couch potatoes pay more, discounts for health club membership, etc.. I have not problems with than.

Health care is not one of our inalienable rights.

er...It is if I pay for it. Were not talking about free healthcare......yet!...thats to come later...right now the left wants get this argument on the table...they banned smoking and fixed it so the tobacco companies have to finance government programs and subsidized healthcare. The tobacco companys cant even shutdown or they will be prosecuted. They are slaves to the gov and they pay money to camplaine against themselves per gov. mandate.

Now...Mc'd's gonna pay..and so are we....for eating those disgusting cheese burgers.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 6, 2006
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

IMO, we DON'T need more government in our daily lives.
By definition, Liberals believe they can legislate social improvements. Get it?
Make more laws, regardless of whether they are needed or not.
Can we say "Preventive Legislation?".

I say enough intrusion on our daily lives. I just want to be left alone to live my life as best I can without harming anybody else's. I even help those less able than I.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

SS said:
I'm starting to think maybe it is a no win situation.:'(

Hang in there SS. It is going to take your body a while to adjust. Just do not fall into the trap of eating as a substitute for smoking.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

stevieray said:
Sounds like another diversionary tactic to take attention away from the real issue, which is the extreme cost of health care. Somebody has to get control of that & fast. The real obesity is in the wallets of the drug companies & heath care providers. Trim that fat & the insurance issue becomes much more manageable.

Get rid of the third party payee and you will see the cost of health care plummet. Even look at these incredible hospital facilities that they are building everywhere. Who do you think pays for those. You can't tell me that good medicine cannot be practiced in facilities that do not resemble Louis the IV mansions.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 18, 2006
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

That's what I'm getting at, Boom. These guys always want to turn everything into a "we vs. you" or "dems vs. repubs" fight instead of looking at the problem's root cause. It's like a mechanic continually putting hoozits on to fix a car - find out what keeps causing the hoozit to fail in the first place!

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

That's Louis XIV, Boom......d:)
I think that if a free healthcare network for those without insurance could be setup without the tight constraints of lawsuits & malpractice, it might help relieve the situation.....
In plain english (or Espanol) if you prefer d:)...
Make it free, but you get what you pay for....
& I'm talking basic health care, not boob jobs or facelifts......
Just a thought........JK


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

like that'd work Haut. Someone recently was complaining that insurance no longer paid for their viagra.

On the Louis thing, I new it was one of those right wing French tyrants. I wasn't sure so I guessed. Everyone except the overly progressive would have gotten the point.;)


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 18, 2006
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

Haut said:
That's Louis XIV, Boom......d:)
I think that if a free healthcare network for those without insurance could be setup without the tight constraints of lawsuits & malpractice, it might help relieve the situation.....
In plain english (or Espanol) if you prefer d:)...
Make it free, but you get what you pay for....
& I'm talking basic health care, not boob jobs or facelifts......
Just a thought........JK

JK- I don't think it's a matter of making it free - just affordable. I know America is a capitalist country & all, but I firmly believe if you want to get rich, go invent a pet rock or an ipod or something that people can choose to buy. Charge whatever you want for that kind of junk. Costs of basic necessities like heath care have to be controlled - or they get out of hand like they are now. Health care should never have been allowed to turn into a multi-billion dollar industry - now it is going to be very hard to get that gorilla back in the cage. But it is going to have to be done somehow if we are to remain competitive in the world market in our core businesses.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

Limit malpractice lawsuits for one.....
Free basic care for those who fall below a certain income level.....
If you go to the free service, you will have no legal recourse if things don't go your way.....
If you are on public assistance, this is where you go.....JK
BTW, healthcare is one of the few things that cannot be outsourced.....;)


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

Ask a Canadian how they like their health care system. I have relatives in Ontario Canada and they hate it.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Read between the lines.Troll.

Everybody wants to be in charge of you.

My advice is to fight them. I sure do.
