Beware the blather....

Bob Fort

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 9, 2005
As you go about gathering info prior to voting next month, I urge you to read carefully and look for actual things that candidates have accomplished...NOT things they say they have/will get done, if elected. For example, "I support" I'll work towards" "Together we will" are all just hot air comments.

Look for specific things accomplished--dates, amounts, actions, changes directly tied to the candidate. Even if they never held public office, they should have a strong resume of accomplishments to support their candidacy.

An example of obfuscation in the highest order is Hillary Clinton's spin campaign as she seeks re-election to the Senate from NYS. She supports, seeks to change, speaks out against, etc., but the rubber never seems to hit the road in terms of things actually done, e.g., she promised 200,000 new jobs in NYS. Results: Hillary 1-NYS nil.

Remember, most of us are looking for someone who can actually get something done; good speakers are a dime a dozen!


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: Beware the blather....

It's funny you posted this as I was just thinking this topic over yesterday. Seems all our local radio/tv ads are as you describe. "I will" "Working hard to...." and various other bs lines.


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Beware the blather....

Kind of like the lies that “Senator Talent” is spreading about his opponent in the race for Senator "Claire Mccaskill," in her with nearly eight years as state auditor She’s found millions in uncollected child support and dangerous holes in the state-run child abuse hotline. And she's repeatedly advocated ways to save millions in the Medicaid program. Such savings keep people covered by Medicaid, but lower their medicine costs and makes Medicaid run more efficiently.

When you look up "Talents record"all you see is a record that is a rubberstamp for the President Bush, voting with him 94% of the time. It seems that all we here from him in the State of Missouri is reelect me and I will rubberstamp bush for the next couple of years years.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Beware the blather....

You need to get used to Hillary, Bob....
She will be re-elected & rightly so....;)....JK


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 13, 2004
Re: Beware the blather....

And here's something else to think about. (Cut & paste)

Don't make the mistake of 1974

Oct 20, 2006
by John O'Neill

Dispirited conservatives and Republicans rightfully appalled at the Cunningham, Abramoff, and Foley scandals should remember history as they contemplate not voting in the 2006 elections because of disillusionment.

In early 1973, the Dow approached new highs in a booming economy. In the 1972 election, the new left was rejected in almost every state. The Paris Peace Treaty was concluded with North Vietnam memorializing its pledge not to interfere militarily in the affairs of South Vietnam. The nation was prosperous and at peace.

Worst President

Within a short time, the mainstream media were able to dismember and destroy the Nixon Administration, using as their sword the Watergate affair. In the congressional elections of 1974, Republican candidates were pounded, losing 48 House seats and five Senate seats.

Until the 1990s, the so-called “Watergate Babies” (i.e. left-wing Democrats) ruled Congress. As its first act after the 1974 election, the new Congress cut off all aid to South Vietnam. Within a short period of time, this led to Communist conquest of all of Indochina, the massacre of at least 4 million of our friends in the killing fields of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, and the displacement of millions of “boat people.”

In 1976, the left wing captured the White House with the worst President of modern times­Jimmy Carter. By 1979, the U.S. economy was in shambles with 12% inflation, 11% unemployment, and vast deficits. Our military was reduced to a shadow. With even our embassy officials held hostage in Tehran, the United States became a powerless joke to the world. It may be fairly said that but for Ronald Reagan the days of our democracy might well have been numbered by the consequences of the 1974 election.

It is not clear why the voters of 1974 thought it wise or just to indirectly cause the destruction of millions of allies in Southeast Asia because of the cover-up of a minor burglary at the Watergate. They certainly did not know that by their votes they would punish themselves severely, leaving, by the end of the Carter years, a U.S. economy that was a burned-out hulk and a nation that was humiliated.

I wonder whether history will repeat itself this year. Despite mainstream media distortion, the economy is in its strongest condition since the Reagan years with low unemployment and inflation rates and diminishing fiscal deficits. We have recovered from the implosion of the Clinton Internet bubble and the shock of Sept. 11, 2001. We have crippled al Qaeda, assembled an international coalition to deal with North Korea and made reasonable progress in defeating at least the foreign insurgency in Iraq. We have seen no terrorist attack on our heartland in more than five years.

Despite the second-guessing by Democrats who have no military experience and by a few veterans who question the Iraq policy, an overwhelming majority of active-duty personnel support the Bush policies and the Republican administration. For example, in 2004, an Army Times poll of active-duty military personnel showed less than 15% voting for Kerry and more than 80% voting for Bush. Despite the token military veterans trotted out by the Democratic Party as Trojan horses in Republican areas, it is clear that a large majority of veterans and active-duty personnel reject the “cut-and-run” policies of the fringe element now in control of the Democratic Party.

In the spring of 1975, I watched in horror our refusal to aid our South Vietnamese friends and their collapse. I watched our friends die by the millions in the gulags of Cambodia and Laos and in frenzied attempts to escape on the high seas, and I remembered my friends, who died in Vietnam, and whose sacrifice was so casually discarded by the “Watergate Babies.” I lost faith in the United States for many years.

I wonder now if we are so blind and ignorant of history to actually allow a new crop of “Watergate Babies” to install clearly unfit leaders such as Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.), John Conyers (D.-Mich.), and impeached Alcee Hastings (D.-Fla.) as the guiding force in our nation. Considering that a Democratic win could mean the rise of John Murtha (D.-Pa.) from Abscam to majority leader, and Hastings from impeached federal judge to House Intelligence chairman, it is no exaggeration to say both parties have bad actors. The distinction is that the Democrats promote them and the Republicans fire them.

Finally, I wonder if voters (like those in 1974) are going to actually vote for the betrayal of our Iraqi and Afghan allies and the sacrifices of our troops. I wonder if our Iraq War veterans will watch the mass execution or flight of those who fought with them and believed in us. If so, history teaches us that in the end we will suffer terribly ourselves. This is particularly true here, where we face adversaries who have said they will not stop at the waters’ edge but have already reached across the ocean to destroy our nation’s largest buildings and thousands of our people.

Bob Fort

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 9, 2005
Re: Beware the blather....

Haut, she will get re-elected. That doesn't mean I will ever get used to her, her methods, nor her caustic effect on NYS well-being.

Explain your comment "rightly so...." please. It is possible from your WA vantage point you see something she has done for NY that I'm missing. Until I see proof of her worth I'll go on believing she is just another opportunist taking advantage of a naive voting public.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Beware the blather....

I agree with you on principal, Bob. But it's not that easy. We sometimes have less history to go by, given the canidates. This often forces us back to going by what the canidate SAYS, or to vote by party affifliation.
I also agree that thios is far from ideal practice.
A "vote of no confidence" box alongside each office would fix it. But how likely is that?
Because the choices we have pushed-upon us are often deplorable.



Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Beware the blather....

Bob you are absolutely right in your argument.But your example of Hillary Clinton is rather off the mark.
So far she has pulled about 300 million dollars into upstate NY.
When she voted against free trade with South America (Cafta).She openly admitted that there was a conflict of interest.The upstate farmers (mostly republicans)stood to gain about 4 million dollars,but factory workers might have seen their jobs go south.
She started organizing "farm fork days". Heavily promoting upstate farm products in New York City by organizing wine tours for New York City restaurant owners.Not only did she succeed in promoting Upstate farm produce.Many NY city restaurants stock Finger Lake wines now and on top of that,the real estate market in the Finger Lakes area got a big boost.Tourism to the finger lakes has really taken off.
Attacking Hillary because of your personal feelings is one thing. But she is one of the few politicians who has accomplished a lot in spite of being in the minority party.Many upstate republicans admit that she has gone beyond party lines to help her entire constituency.Not just the democrats.
The respect has gone so far that even her conservative republican opponent,Spencer,Openly admits that he likes Hillary and that she will make a tremendous candidate for the presidency.

Bob ,now that I have your attention.Did you ever eat in "Das Essenhaus"?Is it worth a visit?

Bob Fort

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 9, 2005
Re: Beware the blather....

Rolmops, Miller's Eissenhaus is a "family-style" place...solid food, some variety, fair prices for good value. On the other hand, not a Destination Dining-type place.

I am absolutely choking on the Hil'ry thing. In my view she dropped in, got elected, and will leave when she is "done" w/ NYS.

I'm not convinced that she initiated and accomplished the list you presented, but I do recognize that she has a number of cross-party supporters.



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Beware the blather....

They are all liars when it gets right down to it.
They say what you want to hear till after the election.

Go with your heart and hope the best one wins.

Just my .02 worth.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Beware the blather....

Personally, I hope they all get NOTHING done. The more they do, the worse things get, Looking forward to GRIDLOCK.

Anybody ever see somebody enter public service and come out poorer? "Public Service" is an oxymoron anyway. The only people getting serviced are the one's elected.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Beware the blather....


You are right, I could care less what the attack ads say. You could make a positive look negative or vice versa. I am looking for a couple of key words, closed boarders combined with NOW would be an example. Or tax combined with CUT. But unfortunately most of the candidates from the major parties can't say that. Not one person has grabbed me at a local or state or national level to get me revved up for the future. Politics as usual or worse.

Farm Fork Days sounds like someone pandering to "Big Wine". Facts to be developed as needed. I guess I would be interested in how many wine jobs were brought into upstate NY because of this wine tour for restauntoirs.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Beware the blather....

Farm fork days was organized together with foodlink, an organisation that has no connection with wine whatsoever.In fact it supplies inner city poor with food packages.
Big wine would be "constellation brands" the biggest wine company in the world which has its headquarters in Canandaigua,NY. The wine tour was mostly aimed at small vineyards with specialty wines for select restaurants.
If you ever have a chance you should come and do one of these wine tours,just bring a designated driver.
As for wine jobs,not so many jobs.Mostly real estate.People buying a few hundred acres and starting small vineyards with a winery and bed and breakfast facilities.These are mostly family run operations with very little outside help,except of course for the 3 or 4 bigger ones that employ 3 or 4 people.
This cottage industry has attracted a lot of well heeled visitors and it has brought a lot of money to the finger lakes area.
It would be ridiculous to give Hillary all the credit for this development,but she certainly did a lot to advertize the potential of the finger lakes.
Keuka lake being my favorite fishing hole,I sometimes wish she had just left this jewel alone and out of the daylight.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 9, 2004
Re: Beware the blather....

I wish the canidates will do more campaing with what they will try to accomplish. and what they have accomplished than bashing the other canidate. that they would let us know what they are for and against. on the tv adds all they talk about is the other canidate. :/ and you don't know if it is true or not. We need to hear what laws they want to change, and their take on political agendas, not all the bashing we are seeing


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Beware the blather....

Haut said:
You need to get used to Hillary, Bob....
She will be re-elected & rightly so....;)....JK
Rightly so?
Please explain/excuse that remark.
She was a Carpet Bagger when Slick Willey let loose a bunch of criminals so they./illeagals could vote for her.
Your just a "PARTY MAN" like Scarey Kerry
But you are true to Seattle Values! :)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 9, 2004
Re: Beware the blather....

thank you custom by crunch this helps a bunch
off to the poles tuesday.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Beware the blather....

Link said:
Haut said:
You need to get used to Hillary, Bob....
She will be re-elected & rightly so....;)....JK
Rightly so?
Please explain/excuse that remark.
She was a Carpet Bagger when Slick Willey let loose a bunch of criminals so they./illeagals could vote for her.
Your just a "PARTY MAN" like Scarey Kerry
But you are true to Seattle Values! :)

Cuz she is not a Rehub!
It is time to break the Rehub stranglehold on the House & Senate, & send a message to Dubya about his failed policy.....
It's time to give the boot to party hacks like Dave Reichert & Doc Hastings.....
I wish I could vote in those races, but I will have to console myself by voting against Mike!(The Confesser) Mc Gavick......d:)......JK


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Beware the blather....

Hey, I have a suggestion Mr. Medoc. Why not vote with the party that more accurately reflects YOUR values? . . . I think you refer to them as Rehubs . . . ;)