

Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Lost

PW2 said:
How lame is that to still be blaming Clinton? You guys crack me up! Is there any accountability or responsibility ever in your beloved idealogy?

If we were not ready to go in, we shouldn't have gone in! It's not like Saddam was an imminent threat to us

Actually rottenray6402 is 100% correct.

But your Boy Clinton can now take credit (and he will) for our success in Afghanistan.

After 911 General Tommy Franks did not want to go tell President Bush that his depleted Army could not respond there. So he turned the operation over to the Special Forces/Ops. He did NOT want to do this but it was his only option.

And they got the job done.
Yea, Thank Slick Willy for "F"ing our soldiers!

Until you " Libs/Media" screwed with things. Yes even in Afghanistan. Which you say is cool! Or OK

Little Blue eyed, Blond haired Johnny Walker.. a miss guided American boy! POS MUSLIM me thinks

Gets a free pass!

Here is a book I would like you to read.
If you don't want to buy then just PM me and I will send you my copy.

btw for new people here on iboats.. me and PW will always diss-agree (he is a jerk) TRUST ME " Bill /Clinton/Mahare"

edit three:
(This is what I was trying to cut and paste from a word doc) when the puter locked up!

But he is still one of the good guys and I'd drop a line for fins with him anytime! :)

Like JB, PW is going to correct my spelling.. at 3 AM do I really care :)


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Lost

Wow, How did this stupid war in Irak become the fault of the libs?

No one answered my question "Is there ever any accountability or responsibility ever in your beloved idealogy" I assume that is because the answer is clear and irrefutable.

When all else fails, change the subject.

BTW, That book on hunting OBL looks interesting. I heard somewhere where we dissolved the outfit that had the specific task of hunting him down. That would make lots of sense if true.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Lost


When they became shills for the enemy for believed political gain. Saying you support the troops out of one side of your mouth and calling them Nazi's out of the other isn't support. Really thats not supporting our troops. Neither is calling them terrorists in the world press. Jimmy Carter has become a national disgrace with his outragous statements made overseas. His statements have HURT the war effort.

We are Americans, we win or lose together, we went to war together, and this isn't one of those things you just change your mind over when your election is in jeapardy for personal and wholy selfish reasons.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Lost

Not once ever on this board have I seen anyone from any philosophy make any negative remarks about our soldiers. Your crap is totally out of line and as a moderate to lib, I find your remarks to be similar to the language used in Germany about non-nazis in the late 30's.

The troops are honored, the ones who put them in harms way for questionable and at best constantly changing reasons are the object of criticism.



Apr 21, 2004
Re: Lost

Thanks, Txs.

I of course have never said anything negative about our troops, ever.

Negative statements and actions about our troops have been restricted to our administration and leaders, who, like in Abu Grhaib, condemned and prosecuted some non-com soldiers for what was fundamentally a systemic failure in leadership.

I guess ducking accountability and responsibility is a natural state of affairs for these folks.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Lost

Lets see if we can all help our friends understand what the posts clearly state but somehow evaded their understanding.
A) Name a senator who compared our troops to Nazi's?

Bonus: Define his position in the political spectrum.

Triple Bonus for anyone who can show how calling our troops Nazi's helped the war effort.

Commons sense so no additional points award to anyone who can define why calling our troops Nazi's HURT our war effort.

How has he been held accountable? Anyone here think this was a RESPONSIBLE statement?

B) Who called our soldier MURDERERS before they were even charged with a crime?

Bonus, what side of the political spectrum was he from?

Triple bonus, how did this help our troops?

How has he been held accountable? Anyone think this was a RESPONSIBLE statement?

C) Who called our troops TERRORISTS before any were even charged with a crime? Hint, he wanted to be president....

Bonus, what side of the political spectrum was he from?

Triple bonus, how did this help our troops.

How has he been held accountable? Anyone think this was a RESPONSIBLE statement?

THIS IS FUN....................

D) Who called our president and CIC a liar and a bag man for "BIG OIL"? Hint, its hard to get this one wrong.......... I'll make it easier, what side of the political spectrum would all of them be from?

Bonus, how does making up stories about our countries leader help the troops in a time of war?

Anyone think baseless accusations are RESPONSIBLE?

E) Who published a story that was TOTALLY FALSE about our troops abusing Korans?

Bonus, what was the result of that story?

Xtra Credit, how exactly did that help the troops?

How has he been held accountable? Anyone think this was RESPONSIBLE jounalism? (employees of the NYT need not answer)

F) 100x bonus, name the last liberal democrat and their statement congradualating our troops for any specific job or sucess? You may have as much as a month to research this as it will probably take that long.

G) Point to any statement that could even be construed to mean I was identifying a member of this board by any of the above posts. How would you define someone who would interperate any of the above comments that way?

As you can see, negative statements about the troops were directed like a lazer at the troops by todays modern liberal wing of the democratic party. How have they been held accountable?

I guess pretending not to understand is a natural state of affairs for some of these folks.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Lost

I often wonder what is in their koolaid that makes them miss their own nose to spite their face?
I think it's called "blind rage and hatered".



Apr 24, 2005
Re: Lost

First three I plead ignorance, looks like to me maybe D or least his advisors who tell him what to do are the correct target.

F. Chet Edwards, democrat tx, that the RNP has targeted with many dollars to defeat last election and the upcoming. Huge supporter of the military.

Not sure on the rest of this rant but certain we will be told and I am anxious to see the background to the answers. By the way if any of them are Ted Kennedy then they get no points as no one supports him except in Mass.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 24, 2005
Re: Lost

Pointer, first of all, I don't idolize political leaders nor am I a blind follower of any political party. I don't bend, twist, ignore the truth. I am not a party fanatic.

It appears the internet is your only source of information. If a drive-by-history and porn is what you're after, then it is a good place to go. On the other hand, in-depth details about a subject is an acquired knowledge can only be achieved thru numerous methods. Hint: school, research paper, debate, lecture....etc but who has the time.

Anyhow my crystal ball tells me you will vote Republican in 2008 regardless of the issue or who running. See def. "party fanatic". I'm I wrong? You get the last word.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Lost

cpj said:
Been awhile since I did this, so here it is. For those of you that dont know, its a little picture I made for txs winnner. Since all of his topics are trolls, I made it in his honor. And it pisses him off that I get to add to my post count when I post it.




Apr 24, 2005
Re: Lost

Naw, Ken, do not believe this was ever locked. Not my post. Anyway looks like another of my uninteresting "trolls" is headed for the 100 mark. Life is boring without thought, it is ok 12 but you need to update your picture as I catch a few while trolling. Animate it a little for me.

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: Lost

Ya, My mistake. It was the "popular" icon next too it thta made me think it was closed.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Lost

Pointer, I was hoping to receive the answers to you questions. Again if the answer is Ted Kennedy no points. He still owes society for his act.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Lost

A) Richard Turbin Durbin, Liberal, Also likened them to Pol Pot and Stalin, yep a real troop supporter. I guess in a liberals eyes this is support.

B) Jack Murtha, Liberal, Also failed to attend a homecoming of troops from his state being cycled home because he was making anti-troop statements. When called on it all he could do is not answer the question. Nice.

C) John War Hero Kerry, Like the hint wasn't enough? But perhaps you can enlighen us how calling our troops terrorists really does support our troops.

D) Can't name one who hasn't. Favorite of big Liberals.

E) Michael Isikoff, Newsweek, 14 people died in resulting riots due to his lack of balance and proper research. Just so you know, writing inaccurate stories shining a negative light on our troops doesn't help the troops. In fact, it shows that they don't support the troops.

F) I can't find one statement from a liberal celebrating any specific success by our troops. Real Patriots. But perhaps you can point to some.

If you didn't know these answers, what exactly have you been reading. All of these were front page stories. Why exactly do you think 12Footer wanted to copy and post this elsewhere? So he could show I was insulting people from a board that nobody knows?

Take off the glasses.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Lost

Thank you and your points are well taken.

As one who relied many times on being picked up by the boats in Vietnam, I still find it greatly distasteful to dishonor the service time of Kerry.

Maybe you disagree with his protest when he got home, to make disrespectful remarks of his time on the boats is no different than speaking ill of any soldier who served in combat.

He got to get out of the boats early but he did serve and I promise never a day passed in the boats without being fired upon. As a marine needing extraction the sounds of those boats were angelic.

Oh yeah and if I take off my glasses I can not read!!!