I have returned... with a Starcraft this time!


Feb 24, 2015
leave it on the trailer when you sell that and it will be someone elses problem!


Jan 23, 2009
leave it on the trailer when you sell that and it will be someone elses problem!
I'm gonna keep the transom saver to use on my boat, along with several other goodies.

I'd hoped to place an ad for the trailer with wording like "Trailer includes FREE project boat with solid transom; just replace the decks and go fishing!" Can't do that now, for sure! :lol:


Jul 28, 2009
You could cut it up and put the pieces in the weekly trash over time. Kind of like Radar sending a Jeep home one part at a time, but this involves a lot of time with a sawzall or chainsaw and a few itchy days.

Dumping it is easy and does cost a little. Selling un-needed parts will offset the cost of dumping. You will still end up with a free motor when the dust settles.

Listing it as free might allow it to disappear, but it might also bring a lot of wasted time and possibly some undesirable visitors to your house.

Another option is to take a Sunday drive on deserted back roads without safety straps or a winch strap. After a nice cruise you should have an empty trailer. :eek:


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Another option is to take a Sunday drive on deserted back roads without safety straps or a winch strap. After a nice cruise you should have an empty trailer. :eek:

Oh man hahahaha....:lol: :pound:


Apr 5, 2011
I sold my trailer with the donner boat on it.. Solved the problem of having to dump it and made a couple of hundred in the deal..


Jan 23, 2009
Nice score.. :rockon:
Don't keep it too long, you may start to feel the itch of fiber glass..:rofl:
Take care of yourself and by all means go to the ER when needed.. ​ ​

Roger that! On both counts! :lol:

You could cut it up and put the pieces in the weekly trash over time. Kind of like Radar sending a Jeep home one part at a time, but this involves a lot of time with a sawzall or chainsaw and a few itchy days.

Dumping it is easy and does cost a little. Selling un-needed parts will offset the cost of dumping. You will still end up with a free motor when the dust settles.

Listing it as free might allow it to disappear, but it might also bring a lot of wasted time and possibly some undesirable visitors to your house.

Another option is to take a Sunday drive on deserted back roads without safety straps or a winch strap. After a nice cruise you should have an empty trailer. :eek:
Yow! Now that's an idea! A buddy of mine said that once I get the motor off that I should tie a line to the bow eye, attach it to my truck, load it with local rednecks and do some yard surfing! :laugh:

Undesirable visitors? You mean like relatives and in-laws? :rofl:

I sold my trailer with the donner boat on it.. Solved the problem of having to dump it and made a couple of hundred in the deal..
That's what I hope to do.

I'm already money ahead on this deal. There are several items that came with the boat that I'd planned on purchasing anyway and I reckon that's $200 worth of stuff that I don't have to shell out any cash for. Plus the twenty bucks I got for the trolling motor. :lol:

Definitely going to be cash ahead once I sell the trailer. And of course I'll get still more cash back when I sell the little 8hp Johnson that's currently on the Kingfisher.


Jan 23, 2009
Progress of another sort today...

Got the grass cut for the last time this year! Posted some pix over in the Dockside Chat forum Cold Winter Ahead thread.

And I started gathering materials and making preparations to get back to work on the Kingfisher Phase 1a tomorrow! Plus that brand new starting battery is for the 50hp Mercury which will be addressed in the newly created Phase 1b plan. :D

Further, I sold my drone this evening. Provided some boat funding! :cool:

Feeling physically very fine today in spite of getting up at oh-dark-early. Am looking forward to getting out there and working on the boat in the morning before we hit our forecast high temp tomorrow of 90 degrees! :facepalm: :frusty: :censored: :yell:

Preparations are being made...


Jan 23, 2009
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I have 2 more items being delivered tomorrow from that big A river company. :D


Jan 23, 2009
I hear ya on the forcast high, ours is 46f:D
Man, we could use some of that 46 here! We normally do have those temps (lows) this time of year too but they are noticeably absent this year. Ugh.

Just came in from working on the boat. Seems like we have the seams sealed! :lol:

We were working out there and my wife came over to see how the expanding foam worked. Gave her a quick demo and she said "Let me try!" So I did... and 10 minutes later she'd completed the entire boat! :D She's very fastidious about such things and did a much better job with the foam than I ever could Heh heh. ;)

Started to do some sanding on the deck but realized that we were just going to step in or bump against the curing foam or smear it around. So we quit for this morning and came inside. Will continue later this evening.

A little more progress.


Jan 23, 2009
It's odd.

Went out and worked on the boat this morning. Only did one simple thing. I sliced off the excess bubbled up foam that we laid down yesterday. Pretty simple job. Didn't take long at all.

And yet it felt like I'd done something truly significant. Very self satisfied. As I sat there looking at the boat and contemplating why I felt that way I realized that it's because the deck is now sealed against incursion. I'm not concerned about water getting past the deck and down inside the hull. I won't be fishing in the rain and the boat remains under cover at all other times. No worries about being swamped either.

It's all about preventing dropped items from getting lost down inside the hull. I've dropped hooks, jig heads, screws and other stuff. Now when it happens they won't get under the deck to sit and rust and cause issues later on. Sealed means sealed! A small success. And yet I'm very pleased with that. :joyous:

But it's still a little odd. :lol:

Not done yet though. I need to fabricate a bilge cover to fit over the cutout at the stern. No hooks or whatnot get dropped back there but I'd still like to get it covered. May try some of my Coroplast or wait until I replace the transom when I'll have plenty of leftover plywood. Haven't decided yet. Need to figure out how to fasten it so that it remains easily removable.

Next step is to clean again and then start sanding and prepping for paint. Will only be painting from the splash rail down in order to cover the Gluvit. Later in the project I'll be adding side panels which will cover the ugly stuff anyway so no need to go overboard. Heh heh.

I came in at 11:00 this morning and it was 91 degrees and humid as all heck out there! Ugh! :mad-new:

Here's to small successes! :rockon:


Jan 23, 2009
Worked on the boat again this morning. Until the heat drove me back indoors again. Seriously feels like July here instead of early November! :blue:

Used a new, cheap HF special lightweight shop vac that I bought yesterday to clean a little and it worked very well. I was pleasantly surprised. And it's very easy to handle in the boat, not like the larger vac I have.

After that I started sanding. First with the old school Ram 2-way sander I've had for years. It's heavy and solid and I can really put my shoulder into it while working. After the sandpaper on that one wore out I grabbed the cheap, lightweight HF special that I paid 8 bucks for.

And I was totally shocked to learn that the HF sander was much more effective than the heavy old school unit! Didn't see that coming. The little blue HF sander cut about 4 times as fast as the older machine using the exact same sandpaper. It was easier to use as well. So light and easy that it was negligible effort in order to make some serious progress.

Lesson learned. New tech is better in this case! :clap2:

Old school sander worked okay.

New tech cheapo HF sander worked a lot better than the old school unit!


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Try a random orbital sander next, if you liked the progress w the Square 4X4, you should really like the speed and finish of the random orbital. Sanding disks can be rxpensive though...


Jan 23, 2009
Try a random orbital sander next, if you liked the progress w the Square 4X4, you should really like the speed and finish of the random orbital. Sanding disks can be rxpensive though...
Thanks, I'll check 'em out.


Jan 23, 2009
Yesterday I also measured the length of the donor boat steering setup. Looks like it's about 134 inches. And I measured the current setup on the Kingfisher and it's about 128 inches. So maybe I'll have to move the console forward a few inches which will likely be a good thing in this case.

That big 50 sitting on the back along with the PTT setup is going to be fairly heavy. Will probably be good to have some weight forward to help offset that a bit. Will also explore mounting the starting battery up front too.

One of the many great things about these tin boats is the ability to move stuff around like that without having to destroy a bunch of fiberglass, then build a fiberglass replacement. :D


Jan 23, 2009
Pretty stressful day for me here today. Wish I could have worked on the boat to help reduce that stress.

Typical first-of-the-month stuff that goes along with being paid once a month at the beginning of the month. Nothing special. Ugh. But I got it all done.

Plus! I had to buy some more fencing and posts so that I can get my property fenced the rest of the way around. And am trying to get my young neighbor friend to commit to getting it done this coming weekend. Had a minor security issue a couple weeks ago and would like to get the fence up. Especially around the boat! :yell:

So anyway I bought 40 more fence posts and another 330' of fencing. Now I just have to get that stuff off the back of the truck. :faint2:



Jan 23, 2009
Maneuvering my chess pieces here. Ordered a bunch of stuff the other day for the boat. Got a couple things yesterday, including the pop-up shelter for privacy in the boat for going potty. Plus two sets of horizontal rod holders which I'll bolt on to keep the rods secure while under way. Pix later. Still more stuff coming. Dunno when I'll be able to actually work on the boat again, but am definitely looking forward to making more progress. :cool:

This morning I went out to start clearing the property perimeter to make room for us to work while installing the new fence. Chainsaw broke. Again. :mad:

Switched to hand tools and used the tractor and cart to bring everything along. Tractor ran outta gas. :facepalm:

So the boy and I went inside and cooled off, cleaned ourselves up, then went and bought gas. Stopped at Taco Bell on the way back and brought some Dorito tacos home for lunch. Just came in from filling the tractor and moving it back up to the house. Nap time! :lol:

The one common thing is that temperatures here finally plummeted to the upper 80s!! :frusty:


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Ahh yeah the days of BWR's life, :joyous: one things consistent and that's you having the little tinny on the brain! :thumb:


Jan 23, 2009
Ahh yeah the days of BWR's life, :joyous: one things consistent and that's you having the little tinny on the brain! :thumb:

Just didn't want y'all to think I'd dropped out of Phase 1a and into complete nothingness. Am hoping to get some work done on the boat tomorrow. Still "on the fence" about it now though! :pound:


Jan 23, 2009
Got more stuff delivered today, plus I went to WM early this morning and picked up a new tackle box for myself. Everybody got something today! My wife got the shelter and the boy got a new life jacket.

No working on the boat or anything else today. I haven't even been outside since 8:30. Was 86 degrees and 96% humidity by 10am and I said to heck with it all. No fence and no boat work. Been feeling poorly all day with medical symptoms anyway so I'll just chill and relax.

Still more stuff scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Weather looks like it might break a little starting next weekend. Looking forward to that so I can get started working on the boat again! Certainly have enough supplies and whatnot on hand to keep me busy once I get rolling again. :joyous:

Arrivals over the last couple of days:

Small first aid kit for the boat; much needed and very well constructed and supplied
Popup shelter for the boat (folded up in the blue circle; shown opened in pic below)
A pair of 42" long storage nets to be mounted in the boat
New life jacket for the boy, which he loves!
A Wise Plank Walkway to be mounted on the trailer
Box of 100 replacement blades for the utility knives... use those a lot while working on the boat!


Popup shelter expanded
popup shelter.jpg


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