This is a test, this is only a test........

This is a test, this is only a test........

  • Total voters


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
In case of an actual emergency, you'd be foolish to listen to the rest of this message.. Get out while you can!

Consider yourself warned....

Please select from 1 of the 10 following nominations:
Link to 1
Link to 2
Link to 3
Link to 4
Link to 5
Link to 6
Link to 7
Link to 8
Link to 9
Link to 10

This has been a test of YOUR Starmada SOTY broadcast network............... thank you

Friends don't let friends own glass boats :watermelon:

And rehab one? Fuhgeddaboudit :rip: :rip::painkiller: :painkiller:

that is all
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redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
I'm first to test. Did I win anything?

And I'm assuming in the real one it is open to all to vote not just you tinheads?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
I picked #10. It shows an extraordinary attention to detail and the fine work he's shown time and time again the the forum. The re-power is fantastic, now has the ability to tow skiers and tubes and cruise all day on just a small amount of fuel.

Oh, rats. I misread and #10 is None Of The Above. :doh: :bounce:


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Gonna hafta do something to liven up the SOTY voting since it's the slowest fall season I've seen @iboats posting across most of the forums, so it'll be blind voting this year. :faint2: :watermelon:

List of nominees & a list of irrelevantly labeled poll choices. Won't know who you voted for or who's in the lead until the poll closes :laugh: :flock::bounce:

Actually, it's just a test to see how vB5 set up polls and how many choices we can list for the poll. All in 1 Topic this year, aMAX of 10 nominees seems enough and is manageable. We can suggest more then 10, but if we do, we'll have to trim the list to 10 for the final voting, it was a tad excessive w/ 14+ nominees for 2013.

Those of the non-tin owning iboats traffic that frequents the SC forum is surely welcome to vote. And the full vote counts, no deduction for lack of tin ownership. :tinfoil3:

Those that don't frequent the SC forum aren't really going to dig into most of the nominee's projects/topics, so posting the poll topic in the resto forum wouldn't be my 1st choice, but it has been suggested.

Any who are nominated SHOULD, IMO, request their boat project be added to the completed projects topic, they are all deserving the status of completed.

I've touched base w/ Grandad, the SOTY 2013 winner, and he'll start a nomination topic soon, or I told him if he asks me to, I will start it.

Nominees NEED to be currently active or at least regularly logging on to iboats. There were more then 1 nominated last year that didn't vote, and never even responded to the nomination notice I sent them via PM & email(when available).


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
That's a good point about being active,. JB. I know last year I sent some PM's to some of the nominees telling them about the process and never heard back.

How about we come come up with a list of potential restos, PM with a deadline to reply about inclusion and only consider those who wish. Good idea or bad idea?

A note about the project topic Jason started long ago. He hasn't been around much lately (where is that guy?) and as the thread owner, only he can update and add new projects. Except now as a Mobster and Modster, I can update the list. So if any one wants to add a new project or update an existing entry in the list, please PM me with a link to your topic. I guess I live too close to the Volunteer state. :facepalm: Anyhoo - here are all the restos -


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
I meant the MAIN forum completed projects topic, but yeah, where is that Jas fella.... got a new project boat, hacked into the old, got a new job & gone.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
We're talking about some of this and some of that, JB. I'm going on about our piece of heaven here and keeping it updated. Right now we are missing some of the ongoing projects and now that it's SOTY time, those that splashed this year.

And yes, the finished tinnies should be included in the iboats completed projects. We only have around 3 entries and only one SOTY winner, North's Liquid Limo. The last completion listed was in 2012, that's all from the whole of iboats! If we were diligent, we could overwhelm the completed projects with tin. :D


Aug 18, 2013
I can think of several completed projects that once finished the op has rarely if ever ben heard from. Allot of good talent disappears after their projects are complete. I know some have been aggravated by the forum issues over the summer, and just gave up and went away.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
In reality, the funky forums don't have much to to with it. We may have more drop off because of the woes, but it also happened a lot before the upgrade. Once they get what they need to finish, poof, gone.

I see the poll is progressing nicely. 4 of us have voted, #5 is leading. :roll:
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Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Some great thoughts and spot on observations guys. I'm in agreement, sounds like some solid plans to me. :thumb:


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Last year went ok, just too many nominees......

Here's what was discussed and used as an outline last year, firmed up a little by inactive nominees that didn't acknowledge they were nominated or vote....
The SOTY award holder (for 2013 that was Grandad) starts a nomination Topic in about mid-November-December. Nominees have to be active (logging on counts, they don't have to be posting).

Nominations only run thru Jan 5, 2015 12a EST. If there are more then 10 nominees, the list will have to be trimmed to 10 on or about 1/5/2015, method TBD. For now, for SOTY 2014, it seems unlikely that there will be more then 10 nominees.

The SOTY will be posted in the SC forum, but anyone registered @iboats that wishes to vote, can. The new vB5 poll software requires the poll be made public for the poll choices to be shown and vote-able. I asked for clarification (GA could you look into it for me (us?) on whether that meant someone who wasn't registered and logged in to iboats could vote.

Sometime after 12Midnight 1/5/2015, the SOTY holder will start/post an Official SOTY 2014 poll Topic w/ the final nominees listed. Voting to run until 12a EST Jan 15, 2015.

The SOTY holder will start/post a SOTY 2014 WINNER Topic, contact the winner, arrange to have the winner's boat pix and engraving done, and ship the plaque and 2 copies of the engraving to the 2014 winner. The 2014 winner will be responsible to make all the same arrangements a year from now and arrange for the 2015 winners engraving & etc and ship them the plaque.

Until now, it's been a gentleman's agreement to be active a year from now to hand the following year's SOTY details. Lets please continue that trend.

Dozer didn't receive his 2012 SOTY plaque until nearly June, which is unfortunate. He also had to pay for his own engraving and freight, then to only have it for about a half year. He & Grandad worked out the 2013 award details, but from 2013 forward, it was accepted that the current winner pays the engraving and freight for their successor's SOTY award.

The win is an honor & a privilege, so you don't pay for your own win. But by winning you accept responsibility for passing it on to the next winner in a timely fashion.
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Weep'n Willy

Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 12, 2012
Wow, this year has been flying by and hard to believe it is mid November already. I too noticed the sudden decrease in forum participation throughout all forums on iboats during the board upgrade. I know it was extremely frustrating trying to post only to keep getting error messages and sometimes post would disappear. It was very discouraging and I am sure several posters gave up and did not return. Things seem to be more stable now so it would be nice to think that participation would increase.

I spoke with Jas last month as we have not seen him on here for a while. He said he has been very busy esp with the new job and really hasn't had the time to make the appearances here like he use to. He did say that he has done some work on the topless islander and would post updates when he could. So I think we are in for some more surprises on that rig. Hopefully next spring he can make some free time as I invited him to fish aboard the Willy with me next season.

I like the ideas for the nomination process and hopefully things will run smooth. I tried to recall all the boats splashed this season but unfortunately couldn't come up with that many. It may be helpful to have a sticky started each year for splashes, ie Splash 2015. That would give us a quick and easy look at those boats without having to sort through many threads looking for completed projects.

GA: I have looked at the completed project section before as I was going to add my rig there but there is some confusion in the guidelines. It says to create a new thread then apply through a moderator to have it placed in that section. So,,,where do you start this new thread and how do you keep it free of other people posting into it while you are working on completing the post?


Oct 25, 2009
I must of been snoozing I didn't get to vote in the test.:sleeping: I too have really noticed how members just disappear when thier rebuild is complete, I guess some guys just don't want to stay in the Looney Tin any longer that needed. The completed projects thread you are referring too, is that one in the main forum?
jb, you have it just the way we discussed it last season, like mentioned we don't have a lot of splashed this year, compared to last.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
I setup the test & didnt even vote..... doh...

I went back thru the SOTY 2013 topics to get the timeline right.

I never asked, did the Starmada 'gear' meet your approval? Beer coozy keep it cold?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
GA, if you wish, this test poll topic can be closed.

IMO, unless it stars a discussion @other proposed changes to poll format, voting or nominee guidelines.


Oct 25, 2009
I setup the test & didnt even vote..... doh...

I went back thru the SOTY 2013 topics to get the timeline right.

I never asked, did the Starmada 'gear' meet your approval? Beer coozy keep it cold?

Awesome stuff, did I not respond to you!!:facepalm:


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Dont know, maybe you did been ALOT of water under the bridge since then. .. even w the forum chaos....

Glad you liked 'em.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
JB - I'm gonna leave this open for a while because we getting some good ideas and I want to test the polling stuff some. I'll do some testing and check with Admin about the public/private poll stuff. BTW - Thanks for all your effort on this. :thumb: Guess I won't be playing with this poll, you set a short time time on it and it's expired already.

Weep'nWillie - A Mod can make a copy of a resto thread and we have a special forum set up for any member to do test posts and pic posting and the like. So a Mod can copy to the special forum, after that we have to work out some details about keeping others out of it. It's been done a few times and I'll check with the other Mods and Admin about these details. The Completed Boat entries are usually a short synopsis of the build thread, so it's isn't a huge multi-post topic. Most times it only has a few posts with picture highlights. Great minds are working here, I was just thinking about an annual completed/splashed SC stickie.

Overall I agree with the time line proposed. A simple nomination process followed by the selection of our SOTY winner. Last year was tough with the number of entries and probably half didn't respond. If a proposed entry doesn't acknowledge their selection, they are dropped.

Once again, If you guys have a topic and want it included in the resto list, PM me with the link. I got a couple of hits yesterday, one addition and one completion. Keep them coming. And I have some work to do about the how-tos to get finished projects in the iboats Completed Boats section.
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
JB - I'm gonna leave this open for a while because we getting some good ideas and I want to test the polling stuff some. I'll do some testing and check with Admin about the public/private poll stuff. BTW - Thanks for all your effort on this. :thumb: Guess I won't be playing with this poll, you set a short time time on it and it's expired already.
You're welcome, it's no problem at all, I LOVE seeing the boats get completed and honoring those that get them DONE. Happy to help keep it running oh so smooth ;)

A quick EDIT and the poll's back OPEN for voting. I even managed to vote this time:D

Some how I thought this test wouldn't garner nearly as many posts since it's not really a poll. But happy it's generated some traffic & feedback. I hit a formerly frequent visitor w/ a text msg today to stop by and be active if he wanted his rig nominated....