Last year went ok, just too many nominees......
Here's what was discussed and used as an outline last year, firmed up a little by inactive nominees that didn't acknowledge they were nominated or vote....
The SOTY award holder (for 2013 that was Grandad) starts a nomination Topic in about mid-November-December. Nominees have to be active (logging on counts, they don't have to be posting).
Nominations only run thru Jan 5, 2015 12a EST. If there are more then 10 nominees, the list will have to be trimmed to 10 on or about 1/5/2015, method TBD. For now, for SOTY 2014, it seems unlikely that there will be more then 10 nominees.
The SOTY will be posted in the SC forum, but anyone registered @iboats that wishes to vote, can. The new vB5 poll software requires the poll be made public for the poll choices to be shown and vote-able. I asked for clarification (GA could you look into it for me (us?) on whether that meant someone who wasn't registered and logged in to iboats could vote.
Sometime after 12Midnight 1/5/2015, the SOTY holder will start/post an Official SOTY 2014 poll Topic w/ the final nominees listed. Voting to run until 12a EST Jan 15, 2015.
The SOTY holder will start/post a SOTY 2014 WINNER Topic, contact the winner, arrange to have the winner's boat pix and engraving done, and ship the plaque and 2 copies of the engraving to the 2014 winner. The 2014 winner will be responsible to make all the same arrangements a year from now and arrange for the 2015 winners engraving & etc and ship them the plaque.
Until now, it's been a gentleman's agreement to be active a year from now to hand the following year's SOTY details. Lets please continue that trend.
Dozer didn't receive his 2012 SOTY plaque until nearly June, which is unfortunate. He also had to pay for his own engraving and freight, then to only have it for about a half year. He & Grandad worked out the 2013 award details, but from 2013 forward, it was accepted that the current winner pays the engraving and freight for their successor's SOTY award.
The win is an honor & a privilege, so you don't pay for your own win. But by winning you accept responsibility for passing it on to the next winner in a timely fashion.