Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2007
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

Nice score! Glad to see another Chief getting restored. I can't offer any advise on the lower windshield removal, I haven't replaced mine yet. On my upper windshield, it took lots of PB Blaster and tapping with hammers and punches to get the screws to slide out of the aluminum windshield frame. Lots of patience, you will get it! Good luck with the project!


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

Welcome to my Chief thread rheagler, I need all the advice I can get on this one.

End of the weekend is here and I took the SN out fishing. I also got in some more work on the Chief. Both lower and upper windshields are off now. I think the break down and repairs of the windshields will be a nice inside the garage winter job, along with the wood.


Inside is fully gutted now and washed out. I have to say it was a real chore on this Chief, she fought me tooth and nail on every last nut, screw or bolt. I now have the upper hand on the boat bees although the trailer tubes are still buzzing.


I know nothing exciting, oh wait well it wasn't exciting just a bit of a panic for a few seconds. We were working on removing the upper windshield, my resto buddy on a ladder outside and me inside. We were going at the windshield when all of the sudden the boat in slow motion started listing starboard, we both had our weight on the one side. The list picked up speed heading towards a full blown capsize off the trailer. I only had the bow hooked up to the winch rope, I had removed the stern tie downs when working on getting the transom out. I lunged back across to the port side and he bailed off the gunwale back onto the ladder which caused her to settle back down on the trailer. I narrowly averted my first boat capsize accident while in dry dock.

Hope you guys had a fun summer weekend boating on the water, in dry dock or both like me.
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Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

H2OMan - Don't sink her on the trailer. :eek: Did the upper W/S fight you with the rusty hardware? Maybe it's time for a dunk at the ramp to drown those critters. :watermelon:


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2011
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

I wish you had the awesome cap-size incident on video - classic...

Of course, it would be almost as good as me backing out of my boat this past weeking and missing the trailer step (good thing I am tall)... I bloodied the leg that missed the trailer step and the other leg was hanging over the gunwale... A nice standing split...

I think its time to to fill that boat up with water (dual purpose: leak test + massive wasp drowning).


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

Great project, following along.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2007
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

I've had pretty good success with foaming wasp/hornet spray. They have a hard time escaping through the foam. Dunking them could be exciting though. Try to get some video!


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

OK, I'm at a point of decision to follow suit with the converts to the 4.3L Mercruiser or keep the 4 banger 2.5 120. Any thoughts for or against the conversion to help tip the scales would be welcomed.

I need to start the hunt for a complete 4.3 with drive if that's the best idea for the Chief. All I have now is a bin full of rusty 120 parts that after inventory I find are mostly useless corroded out anchors.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 7, 2009
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

Nice project Watermann! Been observing from afar. I have a mercruiser 165 with everything, stem to stern from a 73 slickcraft. Ran great with good compression when i put it away, but have been trying to get it unstuck the past few days.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

I wouldn't limit yourself either way if the current motor's not got mostly re-usable parts. Look for both.

When you find 1, assess it & it's cost & decide yes or no accordingly.

Donor boats can be a gold mine. Get a great enough deal on a 4cyl that runs & strip/sell everything & pocket the $ for a reman 4.3....

Or get a killer deal on a 4.3 donor & strip/sell it all & fund the entire put back, including a reman 4cyl.

Are you a Binford tool fan? More power is mo~better right?

How & where do you plan to use the Chief?

Cove anchored as a base of water operations & use the SN for all the running to & fro tubing/fishing & etc? 4cyl, gas miser.

Drive out to the coast & hit the salmon run? 4.3 & a great kicker...

An extended offshore cruise? 4cyl for range on a given volume of fuel, same great kicker.

Occasional duty as the only boat, tubing & etc? 4.3 might get the edge for a stronger hole shot.

Trolling inland waters? ?4.3?4cyl?

Not an I/O guy, but isn't there a 140 4cyl too?

As a wanna-be bottom feeder, I'd dig around for both & see what I find. At this point, no reason to limit your choices, unless you REALLY WANT 1 or the other. How are donor boats in your neck of the woods? Plentiful in all shapes/sizes/drivelines/conditions & prices?

Boat part shopping, esp motors, yeah :watermelon:


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2011
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

I've never really seen anyone regret have more power (w/n H.P. limits) in their boat (even with increased fuel consumption, etc...)...

You may be different, but I just can't ever see myself saying the following while riding in my boat: "I'd like less hole shot and less top-end speed; I'd really like to go slower; man, we got to that fishing spot way too fast; we should have stopped and smelled the roses; I don't feel like I had enough time to take in that sunset; I spilled my wine spritzer because we hit that chop going too fast" (okay the last part is piling on a bit, but you get the point)...


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

What's the weight difference between the two setups?


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

I plan on using the Chief as a cruiser on some big freshwater lakes, no plans at all for salt since it would have to be towed 250 miles or more to get there. I know cost wise the 2.5 is hands down the least since I have a few Alpha 1 outdrives and a guy locally with a remaned 2.5 he wants $300 for, less the cracked manifold. The 4.3's are very popular, check out the mercruiser forum and see every other post almost is someone having trouble with theirs mostly due to neglect from them or a PO.

The 4.3 weighs in at 848 Lbs complete for the Alpha 1 and the 2.5 tips the scales at 695 complete.

I've been debating on if I should just go pick up the 2.5 since the guy is so reasonable on the price and make up my mind later on down the line if I want a put put or a roaring monster.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

What are the HP differences?
In some cases, the lighter power plant may give better overall performance...plus you can tweak the power level a bit with slightly different tunes on the engine and maybe a prop pitch change...
Again that only applies if the boat remains as light, or lighter than original...
Ahhh, decisions, decisions...:rolleyes:


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

The HP difference is enormous 120 compared to 200ish. I don't think the extra weight would matter that much, it's less than what 1 passenger would weigh in at.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

Yep, 80+ horses is a big difference...definitely outweighs [pun sort of intended] the weight difference...
I guess it comes down to the green...and how much it would cost overall to make the conversion to the bigger plant...
I suppose that if you are going to need a powerplant no matter what, you still have some time to keep searching for the one you really want as opposed to the one you can afford right now...
Even if you get to the point where you know you can't afford the bigger one, you'll still have the funds to get the smaller one...
Another point to consider...is the construction of the transom the same for either set up, or is there a different cutout required...???
If they are the same, you could always opt for the less expensive set up now, then 2-3-4 seasons from now, swap in the bigger...


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

I'm in the position right now to where I can afford what I want, it's a matter of convincing the admiral that it's what she wants too... :rolleyes:

All I have to do is take her on a stroll down CL and show her people wanting from 10 up to 20k for similar boats that are "maybes". Talking about a spending budget of 6 or 7k on a 40+ year old boat when said out loud sounds nuts to most people I know. Although to me it sounds like a great deal to have a like new boat set up the way I want it.

She is pretty easy to talk into things like that since I'm the one who drives 20 year old trucks and loves them like a brother while she has to have new to feel the love. The boat spending just has to be done over a period of time so the bite marks in the checkbook have time to heal.


Jun 20, 2012
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

The nice thing about the smaller motor.....gas prices are only going up.


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

The laborious task at hand, paint stripping. Just got started on it this morning and found how the PO painted the Chief blue, right over every sticker even the old hull numbers. At least now I know there's some aluminum underneath all that paint. There was some serious corrosion uncovered too that will take a heaping helping of marine tex to fill it all in.


Found a cool decal under the blue paint too. "Powered by MerCuiser Sterndrive"


I may have to look around for some re-pop stickers and put it back on, kinda cool.
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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2007
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

I remember paint stripping. Even the memories make my arms sore. Very rewarding though. Nice progress, keep at it!


Jun 20, 2012
Re: Tin addiction 18' Starcraft Chieftain

If you can't find someone to do the stickers, I know someone here who can make the decals for you.