1982 22" Mariner

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Jun 3, 2010
OK I thought so.

I am correct the last year before poured in foam was 1978?
Thanks Guys


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
I think the industry as a whole started using the pour in foam in 1980.


Jun 3, 2010
I may have found a decent mariner it has a custom cover that protrudes over the gunwales Basically cover the inside of boat, what is the possiability that a early 80s boat doesn't have water logged foam?

I don't think the transom is covered I'm assuming the transom will require replacing.

planning a road trip in next couple of days.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
The cover is only part of it. How was it kept by this owner before the custom cover or the previois owner?

W out seeing pix, and deciding based on them if its worth a drive, then seeing it in person, IMO, all 30yr old boats have suspect waterlogged foam.

If the transom is compromised, water has gotten below decks, just a matter of how much.

After countless prospects, I'd think it woud have become more obvious: but w little info initially, no pix and no link to the ad, its nearly impossible to recommend buying the boats you post topics about, or even recommend whether they are worth the drive to go see, 10miles away or 10hours away...

If the sellers cant be bothered to provide lots of info (you should now have a long list of typical questions to ask) or provide pix, then I'd suggest they dont really want to sell their boat, sooner rather then later.

Or invest your time and effort to go see the boats, assess them for yourself and take your own pix. Bring that assessment and your pix back, start a topic and ask for opinions based on info you gathered.


Jun 3, 2010
1995 Mercury 115 HP OB what is good compression?

I?m concidering buying a older boat it has a Merc.115HP OB
The seller has stated that the engine was serviced in 2011
I?m unsure of what was done?

Engine please provide tips to check it?s condition like

1.what is good compression?
2.how will I know if the waterpumps impeller is still good?
3.should some lower units oil be drained and inspescted?
Thanks TB


Jun 3, 2010
my ?s his answers
hello interested in StarCraft?s

1.do you have the title to boat and trailer?

2.what year is the engine? and how many hours on it?

3.do you have the repair manuel for engine?

4. is there any dents, loose revitos or holes in hull?

5.doe's the cover snap into the gunwhales?

6.what condition is the paint?

7.besides the rods whats included like fish/dept
finder/compass/lifevests/anchor/ flare gun ect.

8.are there soft spots in floor?

9.is the transom in good shape? doe's the transoms knee brace have any cracks?
1. Yes I have the title
2. The engine is a 1995 mercury 115 that I took off my fish and ski when I bought the boat, the motor that came with it was an 85 hp evinrude that had issues. I had the the rings and seals replaced and motor serviced in 2011, the motor has less than 100 hours. Probably closer to 50 or so.
3. No manual.
4. No dents or holes, no rivets missing that I see.
5. The cover snaps down on the side of the boat about 2 inches.
6. Paint is in fair shape, it's dirty and there are a few worn spots but it's not bad.
7. There are 2 hummingbird fishfinders that work. I have 2 or 3 lifevests, a couple of small anchors, no flare gun.
8. No soft spots, the boat and floor is solid.
9. Transom is in good shape. The motor was put on last December and the boat place checked the hull out for me and said everything was good so Id have to say no cracks.
I built Cellular Towers and I never have time for the boat. I travel 10-11 months out of the year and when I get home I have too much to do to play. I bought the boat in Ohio last year because I had a 17 foot fish and ski that was way too small. Maybe when I retire. If you would like to see the boat or go out on it, give me a call if you are in the Dothan area, Id be happy to take it to the river and let you try it.
I tried to send pictures but I have too many, I put them up on Craigslist. I will send you a few at a time.
I maybe able to cruise down this weekend
1.is there a working live well under the front seat?
2.on the back (stern) upper right side is there a HID lable attached to hull and do the #s match whats on the title?
3.do you have the title to the trailer?
Do the tires have any dry rot small cracks? Is there decent tread on tires?
Do the tail lights work?
Is there a bracket behind the wheels to mount disc. Brakes?
4.behind the front seats backrest is there a small storage?
I ask because the console appears to be unorginal.
orgininal consoles have rod holders on both sides.
Also do you have the doors to the console?
5.on the rear gunwale (upper side where you step onto to enter boat) are there rod holders for trolling?
6.why so many small fuel cans isn't there a functioning under floor fuel tank?
7.do you have the broading ladder? it hangs off the side.
8.do you still have the Evinrude steering and controls?
9.would you be willing to put the Merc. back on the fish ski. and just sell the Starcraft and trailer?

on the back (stern) upper right side is there a HID lable attached to hull and do the #s match whats on the title? The boat and title go together I'm confussed w/ your answer,
this HID# is like a cars vin #
can you please take a image of the right upper rear to see if the HID lable is attached to hull. then check to see if it's the same # on the title.
the 15 Gallon fuel tank is this under floor? and doe's it have a guage? these boats came w/ 19 gallon tanks are you sure you's is 15?
what all gauges are on the console like MPH. volts fuel ect.?
do you know how to test the condition of a aluimin/wood transom you tilt motor up and gentley
lift up on the motor if there is any give or play the transome on a boat this old will most likely need replacing if this is the case will you'r price be slitely negosheated?
so the under front seat is dry storage isn't there any pluming tubes maybe blocked off?
what kindof shape is the roofs frame and canvas?
do you have a spare wheel and tire for trailer?
I'm sure I can make it down there before you leave.
Please send address. and times it's convenient I would like to try it ( to see how well she runs, stirs, and how much water if any she takes in) before it gets to cold.
I had a guy give me a deposit on the boat Saturday but his check didn't clear the bank when I deposited it. If you are still interested in the boat it is still for sale. The HIN is stamped on the back of the boat. It's the same as the title. There is no speed or tach with the boat, it wasn't there when I bought it and I didn't think to get the one off my other when I dumped it. There is a fuel gauge and volt Gauge that' works.there is a spare tire with good tread. I also have a GPS that can go with the boat, it doesn't have a plug but it works last time I used it. The cover is in great shape, the bimini top is in fair shape, one of the legs was broke when I got it but I use a strap to hold it. The tank is 15 gallons and is in the back of the boat, not under the floor. Its behind the door where the rod holders are, there is a compartment there with the batteries.
I believe the console and casting deck are unorginale?
he states the boat has four batterys?
what do you Guys think thits worth?
I hope to find point out anything broken like soft floor, cracked knee brace ect to use as a negosheations.
I will have a mechcanic friend do a compression check he is a car mechcanic what else could he check?
Please adivice
Thanks TB


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
I changed the title of this topic to remove the pour in foam aspect.

Copied from the SC @ craigs topic:
he's got some extras like dept finder GPS

no flare gune ,fire extinisher, side bumpers, anchors life vest no ship to shore.

his ad states 3500 firm.

Use this topic to discuss the boat and its purchase, the Merc 115 topic about compression to discuss the motor.

My 2cents is take 3500 w you, and once you see it 1st hand, decide 3K or 3.5K and make him an offer. Its been for sale for quite a while. He got a deposit that bounced.

Until you lay hands on it and drop it in the water, you dont KNOW if its a 3.5K boat to you or a 2K (or less) boat.

Good luck


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 24, 2011
I'd pay maybe half that asking price. Just based on appearance it looks like a gut job and rebuild. That particular engine is not one of the "greats" among carbed 2 strokes. I copy/pasted this from a marine engine dot com thread, the post was written by a Merc tech:

"...your engine, which is referred to sometimes as the 2+2 cylinder is a model that has a number of good and bad points. Since they gave up on that particular design, that should tell you something however.

It is often difficult to start, idles like crud, transitions terribly and sometimes has trouble deciding whether it wants to be a 2 cylinder or a 4 - making for somewhat choppy operation.

That is simply what you have to put up with as part of owning the motor.

The Good Characteristics
--good performance at wide open throttle
--survives in marine environment

And the Bad Characteristics
--rough idle
--rough running
--bad fuel economy
--hard starting
--high emissions"

Just my $0.02, good luck. That's a lot of cash for a likely project boat and undesirable engine.
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Jun 3, 2010
The man must really want to sell this boat quick
it's only been on sale for 15 days, he brought it to me
(he's 2hours away) for inspection he's also stated that if w/in 6 months something breaks or you don't like it
I will buy it back (he will put this in writting).
the boat did appear old and dirty (I would have made time to clean clean).
the HID lable wasn't attached to hull however the # was ingraved just belowe where the lable was.
the starbroad end cap was broken off he said he hit a light buoy. the gunwale above the transome doe'snt appear beant up indicating a replaced transome.
he had a title for boat,trailer & engine
the purchase price for boat was $2000. the engine that came w/ boat had issuses so he took the 115 off his older boat thus the price increase.
there where a few spots in the floor that whew soft on both sides of the console console appears un orginale.
there was a dent under the port side look close at the image.
the river was 8' over regular dept. so all we did was back the engine in the water and crank the 115 up he pressed the key in to prime floored the throttle and it started after three attemps, engine wasn't loud for a big 2 stroke is the exhaust though the propeller?
he backed into the water w/out the bilge plug to show me the bilge pump it pumped fine. then pulled up on level ground this is when I disscovered the dip there was still water in the bilge the dip was a drop by drop on keel.
I spun the prop. prop shaft seamed unwarped,the cylinder heads were'nt discolored like w/ a overheated engine.
after next weeks test drive (he'll be back next week weather premitting) will test compression.
seams like mixed opinions about this 115,


Thanks TB
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Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Buy that sucker already would ya, so you can torment us with every little detail and be a member of the Starmada!

If you're going to nit pick the carp out of every old cheap boat out there then none of them will ever be good enough.


Jan 23, 2009
Buy that sucker already would ya, so you can torment us with every little detail and be a member of the Starmada!

If you're going to nit pick the carp out of every old cheap boat out there then none of them will ever be good enough.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 24, 2011
So this guy, the seller, just drove 2 hours to YOUR place to show you the boat, and is COMING BACK NEXT WEEK?! With a 34 year old aluminum boat? You could have offered him $500 cash today and he would have taken it just to save himself another 4 hour round trip!

Are you just trolling us for your own enjoyment? I doubt it because you can't make this #$%& up!


Jul 28, 2009
Unless you dried the hull after it was pulled from the water it will drip because of water on the hull not in the hull.

It is also a 21 foot boat. Not 22", not 22'. The 22's I've seen are V5 configuration.

Buy it, I dare you.
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