Two Arkansas Traveler Jon Boats


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 20, 2007
Hello Everyone

Here is a photograph of two Arkansas Travelers that have been in my family as long as I can remember and I am fifty-four.


I have used these boats duck hunting all my life. Only the Lord knows how may thousands of ducks, duck hunters and, of course, dogs, these two old girls have hauled. I hear people say stay away from riveted boats. I can never remember fixing a rivet and if these boats leak they do not leak much.

They seem to made of ten gauge aluminum and they are heavy. That is most likely why they have not been stolen is because they are too heavy to toat.

They have only left this location a few times and that was when I was much younger. I have run the Mississippi River in them with a six horse Evinrude. They were first powered by three horse Johnson's. I still have one of the old motors but it is frozen. I think I may restore it.

I love these two old boats and I feel they will be in service when I am dead and gone, which I hope is a long time.
