SSD Harddrive for laptops?


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
A real revelation has come to the fore. My issues were HEAT! I happened to notice that the air blowing out the exhaust vent was exceedingly warm. I started turning the laptop over check out the air intake vents. There was no sign of dust or other blockage. Two things quickly occurred to me. As of recent, since I had been using the laptop more frequently, I would leave it on all the time. When I was done with session I would close the cover and set it on the end table, ON TOP OF A 6 X 9" YELLOW LINED PAD. When I went to use the laptop, in my easy chair, I would set it on my lap with my thighs close together.

In both cases, I was blocking the air intake vents on the bottom of the case causing everything to over heat. I removed the pad from the end table and now bridge the outer edges along my spread legs when I use it. This AMD E-300 is still no screamer but all of the exaggerated symptoms that I had mentioned are now gone.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
A real revelation has come to the fore. My issues were HEAT! I happened to notice that the air blowing out the exhaust vent was exceedingly warm. I started turning the laptop over check out the air intake vents. There was no sign of dust or other blockage. Two things quickly occurred to me. As of recent, since I had been using the laptop more frequently, I would leave it on all the time. When I was done with session I would close the cover and set it on the end table, ON TOP OF A 6 X 9" YELLOW LINED PAD. When I went to use the laptop, in my easy chair, I would set it on my lap with my thighs close together.

In both cases, I was blocking the air intake vents on the bottom of the case causing everything to over heat. I removed the pad from the end table and now bridge the outer edges along my spread legs when I use it. This AMD E-300 is still no screamer but all of the exaggerated symptoms that I had mentioned are now gone.

We run chill pads under our laptops and they never overheat.

You can pick them up for about $10 bucks these days and they run off a usb port.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
........You can pick them up for about $10 bucks these days .........

Any links would be helpful. A Google shows a wide variety at a wide range of prices. I was thinking that even a flat masonite board would allow the laptop to sit on its feet and leave a little clearance for airflow. Chill pads sound a bit like a supercharger.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Just make sure your laptop is sitting so that the vents aren't covered. Worst place for a laptop is sitting on something made of cloth like a bed. Personally, I don't think you need those fan bases if you set the laptop on a hard surface. Laptops have fans inside that come on when the processor gets hot. If the fan isn't coming on, you need to open it up and figure out why.

I have bought those things before to sit under a DirecTV or Dish receiver though. They are perfect for those.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
........I have bought those things before to sit under a DirecTV or Dish receiver though. .........

Have you had heat troubles with those? I have a Dish receiver sitting atop a dresser in the bedroom. I place little 1/4" thick, self adhesive cork pads on the sides of the receiver so that nothing can be pushed up to block the side vents, on both sides. The bottom has little nubs for feet so it sits 1/4" up off the dresser surface.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Mine sits inside a cabinet and I keep the door ajar. I did have a Dish Unit and a DirecTV unit fail but not sure if it was caused by the heat or not. Just did it as a precaution.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
I tried all kinds of things to keep the Dish receivers going, I the last 10 years we had Dish, we went through 4 DVR machines, the venting on them were terrible and Dish admitted it, poor design with the hard drive system in it, they had enough ventilation for the actual receiver, but nothing was getting to the HD to help keep it cool, so if you used the DVR system a lot like my wife did, it would kill them every single time.