
Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Trying to figure how to get Mom to cut the cable and high prices. Looking into TV DVR's and have done some research, just a little. For the all around best it would be the TiVo Roamio OTA because it also supports streaming, but the best deal for the money would be Tablo OTA DVR. Mom spends a lot of time alone so the TV is a must. Mom needs one for local and a couple other ones, she has netflix. I'm leaning now toward Tablo and get the lifetime guide for additional 149. Anyone have or tried any of these?

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Not quite a DVR

I have an Amazon fire stick with KODI and i am thinking of going internet only and using the Brighthouse TV app (like for the phones) to watch cable. I would loose the DVR, however still retain the on-demand. Half the shows that I DVR i have to watch on-demand because something delayed the program and i get 30 minutes of Trump or a footbal game.

Currently watching Grand Tour on Amazon, was watching Netflix last night.

The other benefit is watching streaming movies


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Not quite a DVR

Thanks, but don't get your comment of not quite a DVR. I'm on satellite and my DVR can be pre-empt with Trumper and so can the ones listed. With satellite I can just extend the record time if caught in time, so I'm guessing this can be done in the same way. The Tablo 4 can record 4 channels at once and Roamio pro can do 6. Need to look into Brighthouse


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
AllDodge, we recently installed a home-made TV antenna in the attic. We now get 21 stations in HDTV. Our basic cable was merely so we could get high speed internet. But now we can cancel our cable TV and still have the internet. But we get more over-the-air HDTV stations then the cable was offering us for $35 dollars a month. I built the antennas and each one receives 21 stations (in our area). Not bad for about $1 to build. Just an idea.


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
GM how close are you to Atlanta? I'm not doubting the antenna (and I don't have cable TV either) - but I'm curious if it's partially because you have a big market close by.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
GM how close are you to Atlanta? I'm not doubting the antenna (and I don't have cable TV either) - but I'm curious if it's partially because you have a big market close by.

We live about 100 to 125 miles away from Atlanta. But my home-made antenna gets all the major stations and a lot of other stations that our basic cable won't even provide. And every one of them are perfectly clear HDTV. The way TV is broadcast today, they have to broadcast in HDTV specs and if your receiver can pick it up, it is crystal clear HDTV. There are not any fuzzy stations to deal with. So a lot of folks are going back to antennas now for that reason. Cable TV is dying and they surely know it too.


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Cable TV is dying and they surely know it too.
Consumer driven content on demand (in whatever way it finally lands) will win the day - hence the power of YouTube. And I agree, the major cable players know that. I've heard from a few industry folks that they're trying to adjust to that.

Roughly the same revolution that music went through in the last decade.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
I understand the TV frequency bit. Before digital the signal being analog meant if you got any part of the signal you could watch the station and if it was weak it would be fuzzy. With digital its all or nothing, if you cannot get the whole signal you get nothing. The special digital antennas are not any better then using the old roof mounted antenna or rabbit ears. The good thing about the roof or attic is like all antennas the height of the antenna means more then the size. Getting it above the trees and structures helps.

Mom is in the metro area so a coat hanger works just fine, but I did mount an antenna in the attic.

I'm over 100 miles from the antennas and I get no of them even with the antenna mounted above the house and I'm on top a hill. I get one station which antenna is 50 miles away, and also education TV which has multiple antennas throughout the state.

So back to the main reason for the thread. Mom wants more then just what is provided by the antenna, the DVR will cover most but need the other channels. I'm having her make a list of which channels she wants to see if I can get something else which cost least.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
AllDodge you are absolutely right. The frequency is the same, the material decode is the only difference. So any older TV antenna will work for today's reception. But the latest ploy is to advertise Digital Antenna so they can price it accordingly. Marketing, you can make anything seem worth it with clever advertisements and catch phrases. I did study marketing back in school. And it is amazing what people will fall for with clever wording.

If she can't get over the air, then you either have to go satellite or cable.

Funny we are talking about TV. I just came back from installing a HDMI cable on my dad's TV setup. When he had Direct TV installed, he had a CRT tube TV without any ability to receive and decode digital. So they used a video and audio left right setup. We bought him a 40
40" LED Digital TV for Christmas. So I took over an HDMI cable and installed that and reset the input to HDMI1. Now he is seeing, for the first time, true digital. He would have never ever been able to set that up himself. He is 88 years old.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
If she can't get over the air, then you either have to go satellite or cable.

Mom has full digital reception, she is in Metro Louisville. I'm the one which is not and has Dish

Just fixed Mom's setup and now she can get all of it with a couple button pushes. Just need to find out if I can get rid of her cable and just go Antenna and Netflix, or maybe something else


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
OK GM, we need plans....

I can post them. It is stupidly easy to make. I mean if I can build one, anybody can. Here is the plan;

HD TV Antenna.jpg

So a little 12 gauge or even 14 gauge sold copper house wire and a few screws and washers and a cheapo balun transformer and you're good to go. You probably have most of the parts laying around the house. Those balun transformer use to come with a lot of TV items such as TV video games consoles. So nothing special. And if you do have to buy one, they usually cost a couple bucks.

That's it!

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
Full disclosure my wife and I are long time DIRECTV employees.

been reading these threads for years and yes the options are out there, but especially in the case of aged moms and dads, keep it simple whatever you decide to do. Sometimes a few bucks is worth it.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Mom is paying 145 (taxes included) for all three from Charter Spectrum, and if we can get it to internet and phone (doesn't need phone has cell) it will bring her down around 50 or 60.

I pay 69 monthly for dish and that's to much for just TV IMO. My daughter has direct and is regretting it because of the prices keeps going up, but husband has to have his sports package. I like high def but would take analog TV back if I could get all the channels.

One of the things that really bites me is trying to get an answer to what are the individual cost items


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
AllDodge, We got rid of Dish TV years ago and cable is going real soon since we get more stations over the air now then we are still paying for as basic cable. I realize we are in a unique situation where we do have so many free over the air channels. Sad everybody doesn't have that same situation. But we also use an Amazon FireStick. And we can get most anything we want to watch. I will admit, neither of us are sport fans so that doesn't bother us in the least to not have 24/7 sport TV. So between over the air and the FireStick, we are happy campers and our costs have dropped like a lead balloon as well. At this time, it works for us. :smile:


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
In my case (as another option for you), we've never had cable or dish TV - I've only ever had internet. We went for a number of years without a TV screen at all, but when we finally replace one we started streaming internet content (Netflix, YouTube, etc.). Due to the type of work I do, I keep a strong internet connection anyway - and the couple of subscriptions we have are pretty inexpensive. We added a blu ray/DVD player and bought several seasons of shows we like.

I think overall we've saved money even when you include the discs we've bought.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Thanks for the info. We went from Mom's to Mom in laws (ML) yesterday for a BD. Come to find out ML watches only local stations except one which is WTN (church). She won't give that one up so she is stuck, well stay tuned for Mom.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
A little neat info about our TV antenna. Yesterday I finely went up into the attic again and disconnected the cable going to our TV's and installed another home-made TV antenna. We got 21 stations in HDTV with that second TV antenna as well connected to another TV. So we boxed up the cable boxes and remotes and off to the cable company we went.

When we got there we were asked if they could help us and I told them we wanted to stop cable TV. And of course they asked why. I told them that I was getting more stations over the air then we were paying for each month and we didn't need their cable anymore. She was quite curious about our antenna and I told her I made them myself. She looked surprised.

I guess they think unless you pipe in cable, you can't receive any TV over the air these days. Surprise surprise. we saved $35 plus dollars a month and still have all their cable station plus more for FREE!

Oh and I built my antennas for about $1 dollar or less. I love it!

There is one last thing I need to say. This antenna isn't my design. I merely seen it on a video and made my own from that video. So it is not some dark secret design. Just for you all to know.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
I guess they think unless you pipe in cable, you can't receive any TV over the air these days

Your probably talking to a youngster