Cataract surgery


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 2, 2003
I’m having cataract surgery on my left eye in September and on my right eye in October. The standard implant is a lens for distance or there is an option for a progressive lens ($2500.00 per eye not covered by insurance). With the standard lens, reading glasses would be used for up close vision. I read where the progressive lens causes glare. I would like hear if anyone is willing to share their experience with these lenses.



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
The Admiral and I both have had the procedure on all four eyes. She was about 4 years ago and went with the standard distance lenses. She needs cheap reading glasses for close work. I also went with the distance lenses 2 years ago and I don't need any glasses.

So I can't say anything about the progressives except both of us figured after years and years of wearing glasses that using readers wasn't so bad. I was lucky not needing them. Especially after the Doc said I was legally blind and shouldn't be driving. After the first eye was done, I had to agree. :eek:

It was a simple and painless. Good luck, Nick.


Jun 6, 2007
I had both eyes done the 1st one about 5yrs ago, the last one a few yrs ago. I went with the standard distance lens, because that was corrected, and I figured that I was used to wearing readers, so I'd keep doing that, it worked for me. It's a piece of cake. One thing though, be careful, tell your doctor to take his time. My left eye the older lens needed laser cleaning, and the Dr. messed up in my opinion. It left me with a slight double vision in that eye :mad: I should have sued, but didn't! too late now. When starting the procedure, he had me look in a fixture at an orange ball of light,,, then he aimed his laser and the ball of light turned green, and immediately hit the trigger to the laser, before I had a chance to tell him that both balls of light were not matched up! His aim was off a bit! I didn't realize anything was wrong till the next day. I called them back, and they didn't believe me, then the nurse gave me some lame excuse that the double vision should go away. It never did! :mad: that's the problem nowadays, everything is fast, fast, fast! But, they'll take your money, fast, or slow!


May 1, 2002
had one done last year the long range option, love it, take 2-3 days off rom work to get used to it, I wear blended, but only need them when I read really :)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 2, 2003
Thanks folks, I very much appreciate your comments. I will go forward with the procedure and I am choosing the standard distance lenses because of the positive results that most have, and concern for undesired effects with progressives. The cost of the progressives is an added deterrent also.
