Forgotten checkbooks


Vice Admiral
Feb 10, 2012
jd, when you start taking credit cards and such, you merely increase the price to cover the usage percentages like every other place that does the same. Easy Peasy!

And then you can give a 3-4% discount to people who use cash/checks!


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
I know all my customers and not one has ever complained about not taking cards. I also let them mail the checks and take their boats.

That's a different scenario than the one I was responding to. I wouldn't have a problem mailing a check after the fact.

My .02


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
I can't even imagine a successful business in the 21st century not accepting credit cards.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 15, 2012
If you've had the same customers for years, they may not think it bothers you. This may be solved as simply as asking them how they plan to pay when they call you. Easily brought up by "hi Jon! Glad you called, I'll have your boat ready on X date. By the way, I've been considering adding the option to pay by card next season, but it will cost a little extra to do that. Would you rather pay in cash or with a check when you arrive, or pay a little more for the convenience of a card? I'm trying to find the best way I can keep my services as convenient and inexpensive as possible!"

Be honest with them when they ask why, it's ok to tell them that you need to collect payment upon delivery in order to keep your bills paid.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Having been a small business owner, I understand your pain. I also understand the customer. Just today my wife went to the Dr (and took the checkbook). We have an appliance repairman coming to fix our stove. Didn't think about keeping a check with me because wife would be back in time. Repairman came early. Repair took about 15 minutes (part replacement). I apologized and promised I would send check today ... he laughed, it wasn't a big deal to him, we have a long history together. Wife returned as he was walking out the door and he left with his $345. Unexpected things do happen.

As a small business owner, we extended credit to most of our customers ... only 3 stuck us when we sold the business. Not bad with thousands of accounts. Trust people and usually they will reward that trust ...USUALLY.