Yellow Jackets


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
He always like to use some oil from a flower. Nutz to that, Raid![/QUOTEW

WIMUSKY, Here is a great idea for your YJ problem. If you can setup something like this, you will solve you YJ problems for sure.

All mine seem to be gone now. So no addition special drink for them anymore. :peace:

Thanks. We've been scrambling trying to get work done and deal with these pesky YJs. The sun came out today and got up to 50. Saw a couple jackets around the gas pipe where they "were" getting in the other day. None made it in the house today. Suppose to be sunny and 60 tomorrow. If we're still good, we're leaving Saturday. Pack late tomorrow and leave early the next day. I'm not going to be happy until I'm in the truck going down the road....


Sep 24, 2004
I have not seen as many YJ nest this year as in the past, Been stung a couple of times and never found their nest. I like to gas them the best. Pour gas down their hole and then leave a long stream of gas trail. Like the match and then watch the flame follow the trail to the hole. Reminds me of the old bugs bunny road runner cartoons except the the Coyote used dynamite to try and kill the road runner


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Yesterday I visited that YJ nest area and something, probably either a raccoon, armadillo, or whatever, actually dug up the YJ nest. WOW, that was a huge nest. The comb was everywhere. And it looks like it could have been a couple feet or more in diameter seeing how much of the comb was exposed on top of the ground. I would ave never thought they could have made a nest that huge underground. Impressive to see.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Okay I took some pictures, but the comb is hard to see in the fall leaves and pine needles. Here they are; 001.JPG

The dirt area is where the entrance hole was originally. I filled it in yesterday not thinking about pictures. You can see a few parts of the comb there. 002.JPG

You an see some parts of the comb. 009.JPG

I tried to gather some of the parts but they are everywhere in about a 12 foot area. 013.JPG

More parts 004.JPG

You can see something dug it up and scattered it everywhere. 006.JPG

And more. I took lots more pictures but couldn't get the entire area in one shot and still be able to see all the parts. It was huge.I whole lot larger then I ever would have thought. Whatever dug it up, must have enjoyed the lava though. Bravo for that brave animal. I know we have Foxes, Armadillos, Raccoons, and all types of wild animals roam through the yard because I installed a trail camera and have pictures of them. But I don't know which one ate at these combs.

I wish I would have though of taking pictures yesterday before I covered over the hole the animal dug up. It too was large.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Had our friends check on the place after we bombed the place. No YJs. Just those pesky Jap. beetles. So, apparently we had very few bugs in the house.......


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
You won't need to wear bee gear when you sleep in the house. :D


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Nope! Been hearing the highs have been in the 40s. We extended our stay 1 more day to make up for the day we lost last Monday because of those buggers. Heck, as long as it aint snowin' at home I'd rather stay here......


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Gm you gave them a dose of 2 cycle fuel ... I wonder what critter would have dug em up ? I couldn't imagine they would be to tasty .. :lol:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Gm you gave them a dose of 2 cycle fuel ... I wonder what critter would have dug em up ? I couldn't imagine they would be to tasty .. :lol:

Sam I actually thought off that too. But apparently that "Special" drink must have dissipated enough or just added to the flavor. I have on idea, but whatever dug them up, seems to have liked them. :noidea:

I will say, they are now gone and whatever animal dug them up can have all of them as far as I'm concerned.

So WIMUSKY, are you saying your house is YJ free as well? If so, that sounds great. I know how bad YJs sting...and sting...and sting some more. They can't be like out bees, they hang on and keep stinging. :eek:

Funny One time my son and I were in the woods on one of our ATV's. And since it was around this time of the year, the YJ's were in full mode. And we were merely easing along through the woods and somehow run up on a log laying down. And we straddled that log with the wheels on each side and the center of the ATV making the wheels go high and no traction. However, not knowing, we stopped dead smack on top of a YJ nest. You can probably visualize the two of us bailing off the ATV and running. Well we did run but left the ATV running as well. So we thought how are we going to get the ATV off that log and not get stung again? Almost a half hour went by with the ATV sitting there idling and we sneaked back to the ATV and literally the both of us lifted the ATV off the log far enough and jumped on and drove like the wind. We didn't get stunk the second time! Why not? I have no idea. But did I tell you how much I hate YJ's. I could go on and on with stinging stories, but I think you all know how bad YJ's can be. :facepalm:


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Sounds that way gm. By now it must have froze up there and they went into hiding.....