It may be time for Tyme


Feb 19, 2002
I'm wondering if it's coming sooner than I thought to sell my boat and 90% of my fishing gear.

I've got the first follow up appointment with the surgeon this afternoon and the second surgery is already planned for December 7th. As of now, I know I can't even climb into my boat without discomfort and some concern. However, it's only been 15 days since surgery. I guess I was expecting a miracle fast recovery and should let these gloomy thoughts pass over.

I knew the day would arrive, but I'm not ready to admit defeat just yet. What my mind wants to do and what my body will allow are two different things right now. Hopefully, I'll recover more over the winter and be ready,willing, and able for a Barkley and or Wisconsin trip in the spring of 2016.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
I understand that completely and sometimes... wonder myself. It's inevitable that we'll not get out of this life alive - why not live life to the fullest one day at a time.
I find myself often mind tripping on days gone by - makes me think, yeah..... maybe it's gonna be sooner than I think? I have no answer.... but choose to not dwell on it and make the most of what remains.

I give away all that I can unless I need the doe - "you'll never see a U-Haul trailer hooked to a hearse...


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Okay now you two have lots of good productive days ahead of you. As we get older, self included, we tend to take a little longer to heal. As least I do. And I certainly wouldn't start selling and giving things away just yet. Let your body recover and heal and then you will have plenty of days to fish and do so many other things. So stop with the gloom and doom. You will heal and be well again. I told my neighbor those exact words when he had cancer in one lung and they removed it. He too was talking like it was all over for him. But I told him to first let his body recover and heal. And he did and regained a lot of stamina again and I made it a point to tell him "I told you so", but with a great smiles on both of our faces as well. :thumb:


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
I'll encourage you to take some time to recover. The only surgery I've ever had was a pretty big one, and it took me nearly 6 months to adjust to the "new normal." At least wait things out a few months and then adjust from there. You may need to change how, rather than abandon, you do the things you like to do.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
ditto ditto, and in slowing down a bit, am finding much more enjoyment. Not giving away anything yet, just saying I would. Tis not the time to abandon ship!!


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
The only thing it's time for is for Tyme to heal. Your rushing into early decisions you may regret.

There are plenty of fish swimmin' around with your name on them!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
fear "fantasized experiences appear real" which leads to "f everything and run". I prefer to "Face Everything And Recover"!!


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2008
Don't know what your surgery was and don't need to. What I can do is just relate to my experience.

About 13 years ago I had my 1st surgery. It was a big one. An aortobifemoral bypass. Something that is not normally done to a 48yo person. 8 days in the hospital and 3 months before I could return to light duty work. About 3.5 years later the graft failed which lead to another surgery. This time a fem-fem bypass and another 5 days in the hospital only to find before discharge that the new graft didn't work. There was still insufficient blood flow to my leg. 4 days later I was back in surgery to which they ended up removing both grafts and replacing with a new bifem graft. Another 4 months off work.

Thru all this I will say that with a lot of work I was back walking both times within a short time. Though it took the better part of a year before I was back to full strength. Now at this stage in life my legs get weaker every year because of the damage that was done and the fact that I'm also getting older but I'm not ready to give up yet and sit in a chair.

I'm now unable to work at what I've been doing because of this disability but I'm slowly learning to make adjustments in my life and accept that I can't do what I once did. I have a project boat at present and find that on good days I can work 3-4hrs before I need to take a break and rest. Other days it's only an hour or two and I'm done for the day.

Still an independent cuss and can get the trailer on the hitch, can still launch and retrieve the boat by myself though it's getting much more enjoyable to have a friend along. The wife and I have discussed getting a power winch but yet I'm still reluctant to do so.

But back to the case, give yourself time to heal, sometimes it doesn't come as quickly or easily as we would like.
Good luck and heal well.