Shorelander Roller Trailer Ideas and input wanted


Jul 28, 2009
I have a 32 roller Shorelander for my 21' Starcraft. I've had it since last August.

Two ideas or thoughts I'm looking at here.

1) - installing guide on's - To help with centering on windy days and might allow me to go deeper in the water so there might not be as much cranking to do.

I know that shallower is better and will center the boat on the trailer, and it does work. I have been to a few ramps that are deeper and steeper and that is where the guides appeal to me. Lots of cranking on this boat, ( a power winch may be in the future)

The other reason for the guides is to place some aux lights for night loading and backing up at night at home, want them up and out of the water.

I have lots of square tubing and angle steel and can hold my own with a mig.

Here are some pics of my thoughts.



I would have a full width tube under the main trailer supports, in front of the back roller supports. Guide posts would be welded to this. (red lines) There might be a need for some type of sway support (blue line). The back roller supports are very close to the main trailer frame and would not allow the use of u-bolts to mount the guides back further unless it was bolted through the frame and not u-bolted.

If a 90 degree was put on, the bottom of the guide would be about 2' away from the main support. This would also block my tail light, not good. So they will be angled or have multiple angles.

This location appears to me to be the best spot, but I wonder if it is too far forward to do what I want. ???

Idea #2) - Install a storage box on the trailer for jack, lug wrench, spare straps..... The box would be about 30L x 18W x 18D, A frame would be mounted to the main trailer support and the box would mount in the frame. I'm not worried about the weight because the trailer is a little tongue light as it is.


Unsure of location and the spare could be changed to a side upright mount allowing the box to come forward.

Please let me know your thoughts on either of these ideas.



Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: Shorelander Roller Trailer Ideas and input wanted

1. Anywhere you weld is going to be prone to rusting. A bolt-on solution is the only way to go. Galv in a can is a short term solution.

2. I would check on state regulations about the tail lights. A lot of locals have max height requirements

3. Move spare tire back and mount upright beside boat. Put storage box in it's current location. The box would be prone to gettign wet and bottoming out on ramp "humps" otherwise, especially on short steep ramps.


May 22, 2012
Re: Shorelander Roller Trailer Ideas and input wanted

The first thought that occurs to me is that the tool box on the trailer (neat idea) could hang up on some ramps when the trailer "drops" down the slope and tow vehicle is still more flat.

...wish I could weld...


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Shorelander Roller Trailer Ideas and input wanted

There seems to be a lot of space where the spare tire is now.

I would relocate the spare, and put the tool box there.


Jul 28, 2009
Re: Shorelander Roller Trailer Ideas and input wanted

1. Anywhere you weld is going to be prone to rusting. A bolt-on solution is the only way to go. Galv in a can is a short term solution.

2. I would check on state regulations about the tail lights. A lot of locals have max height requirements

3. Move spare tire back and mount upright beside boat. Put storage box in it's current location. The box would be prone to gettign wet and bottoming out on ramp "humps" otherwise, especially on short steep ramps.

Definitely a bolt on or u-bolt install. Painted steel, no Cold Galv here.
Lights on the guides would be used only at the ramps and at home, separate harness, keep the existing lights as is.

The first thought that occurs to me is that the tool box on the trailer (neat idea) could hang up on some ramps when the trailer "drops" down the slope and tow vehicle is still more flat. ...wish I could weld...

Could move to the top of the frame.

There seems to be a lot of space where the spare tire is now.

I would relocate the spare, and put the tool box there.

Move toolbox where the spare is leading the pack. I'll have to check how far the lid opens.


Jul 28, 2009
Re: Shorelander Roller Trailer Ideas and input wanted

Well nobody seamed to think the guides were a good idea. After trying to load deeper this weekend I don't think they would do much good either. The first load didn't go well at all and then reloaded shallow. It loaded great.

So instead of rails I decides a walk ramp would make life easier, 12' long, 10"wide, with non slip the whole length.


Still working on the tool box and spare location. The box won't fit where the tire is.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Re: Shorelander Roller Trailer Ideas and input wanted

guides are a great idea. I will be adding them to my shoreland'r trailer soon.

I also like the storage box idea. however launching the boat will fill it up with water. I made the bottom of mine (last boat) out of flattened expanded metal. I would mount it much farther forward than you are to minimize the water intrusion.

I kept fuel cans, extra rope, trailer chocks, and a few pieces of wood. I also put the trailer cover in it when not on the boat.


Jul 28, 2009
Re: Shorelander Roller Trailer Ideas and input wanted

Scott is your Shoreland'r a bunk or a roller? I don't think my box will be as big as what you are describing. My goal is to get it forward enough so it doesn't get dunked.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Re: Shorelander Roller Trailer Ideas and input wanted

my shoreland'r on the SeaRay was a bunk. I have a roller under the Rogue.

go to a really shallow ramp, and you will even get the water up to the rocker panels on the truck. in that event its going to get dunked.