Mercury 120 120xr Sport Jet. Info.


Jul 11, 2013
Mercury /Force sport jet. 120xr or L drive. my 2 cents for reference.

This is more of a rant for me than anything. Cliff notes for later... I will not remember them all when I need them most...

This motor was originally a Chrysler motor sold to Mercury. Lots of parts work either way with the engine....

0E141089 THRU 0E202999

821889a29 rev limiter
828303A1 trigger
832075A21 stator
FK10103-2 carb kit
Reeds b244 reed kit boysen.
Head gasket 27-824615.
Starter 50-819968-1
Exhaust gasket 27-8197112 or 024-1.

Any timing light will do to time the motor. I have a basic one button / one trigger. cheep.
There are other company out there that make after market parts.
Primer bulb is also good to use if you have a fuel related issue. Squeeze bulb while starting if the
pressure from the fuel bulb starts motor (Check carbs...)

Hard starts could equal Timing, starter, carburetor, water in the cylinder...
Remove plugs and check for signs of water or gas.
Turn over engine with leads to coils removed. (safety).
Still wont turn check starter.
Turns with heavy gas purging from spark plug holes (clean Carbs.)
Turns with water purging from spark port holes (exhaust or head gasket.)

Exhaust gasket is lots of fun.(enjoy!!) Don't over tight bolts... 70 inch pounds of torque equal not much more than finger tight... Bolt tightening pattern is in a spiral pattern starting from the center working your way out. Re check all bolts 2-3 times.

Rev limiter bypass use purple only. black yellow needs tape. If it works with just the purple and not with all (replace.)

(Stator) Engine just died with no pre-existing trouble. Will not fire over with a week to no spark condition. (Check for burn marks or bubbles on rubber casing of stator or take readings from ohm meter.) Stator part number above succeeds most other stators used on the sport jets. This stator is widely used in all sizes of Mercury engines.

Lean condition in carbs. Remove fuel pick up line from tank. Clean debris from line or replace with new and also consider removing fuel shut off valve (permanently from line. Makes line smaller that Mercury allowance) 5/16 or larger. 3/8 is a good line to work from. No!! fuel water separator filters... Primer bulb ok.. The system only runs on 5-6lbs of vacuum. Free flowing... Oil injection tee has a rubber gate valve. may be clogged... Clean out with carb cleaner. make sure there is no blockage. There will be some pressure in the inlet. Do not gouge or poke T fitting. Arrow on top of tee indicates flow. There is no screen from oil tank to keep tee from clogging. Keep screen to pump clean. ( maintain cleanliness like spark plugs) or better. 1 and 1/2 turns on air fuel mixture screws from lightly seated position to help... Make sure carbs are clean before adjustments to air fuel mixtures. The oil pump is a mikuni which is a good metric Japanese company. I am not sure but the carbs may be Mikuni too. Make sure carb linkage is synchronized. (Connector bar manually opens both carbs at same time.) One adjustment screw holds both carbs in sync.
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