

Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 28, 2014
This is from the weekly Delaware Fishing Report:

" THINK When I worked for IBM the company?s moto was ?Think.? I thought that was interesting for a company in the business of inventing products that did the thinking for you. So far no one has invented a boat that will think for the operator and that was made very clear by two fatal boating accidents that occurred recently.
The first occurred on Long Neck when a jet ski and a pontoon boat collided. The rules of the road provide that one boat always has the right-of-way when two boats meet. The boat that has to give way must do so in a manner that leaves no doubt in the other captain?s mind as to what is going on. Apparently, this did not happen here and result was a fatality.
The second accident happened in Florida. Here the rules of the road had nothing to do with the incident since a rock jetty always has the right-of-way.
A group of young guys out for an evening of fun at a waterside restaurant left in a boat after dark. At some point they hit a rock jetty and all three were killed. This may not have made the national news except that one of them was a promising and celebrated baseball pitcher.
I can still remember what is was like to be young and indestructible. Most of my foolishness happened behind the wheel of a car and in looking back I realize that luck not brains was what saved my life.

There is nothing anyone can do to bring these people back. They are gone forever. What each of us can do is think before, during and after we get on our boats. Have a float plan. Let people know where you are headed and when you expect to return. Take a safe boating course. And always were your PFD."