Is it possible to install steering console on 16 ft aluminum Lowe?


Feb 8, 2008
My boat is the typical, basic 16 ft, wide aluminum boat - has 4 bench seats - on the back three seats I have boat seats attached to these. I have in the past sat in the very back and steered the boat and controled the motor, speed, etc. (not the most comfortable thing to do...)

My preference would be to make some type of console, attach a steering wheel to this, and then connect the necessary equipment which would then connect back to the motor (25 hp Johnson - push button elec. start)

My Q's include:

Any decent "home grown" ideas or examples on making a steering console? Maybe shape/craft some thin aluminum from the hardware store? Then attach this to the side and bottom of the boat?

How far up in the boat should I mount the console? What side makes the most sense?

Is there a particular steering kit/equip. someone would suggest? I've noticed there are quite a large number to choose from.

There's an established (been there forever...) boat shop down the street that works on boats, motors, trailers, etc. Has anyone ever had this type of work done on their boat and if so what should I anticipate in paying if this shop does this work? My guess would be a couple hundred dollars in equip. and another hundred or so on labor?

OR...should I just continue to drive and control the motor from the back seat/bench of the boat - is the above work or adjustments to the boat worth all the time and money?

Thanks for the feedback!


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 14, 2007
Re: Is it possible to install steering console on 16 ft aluminum Lowe?

Yes it is possible to build a console. I have seen a few boats with home built consoles. Facing the back of the boat you would want to mount it on the right side toward the middle of the boat, or you could always make it a center console. What size motor do you have? There are conversion kits to make a tiller steer into a console steer. You could use wood to build the structure and cover it with fiberglass or make a mold and make the console possibly out of straight fiberglass where you wouldn't half to worry about rot. Although I don't know of many people using fiberglass in an aluminum boat.

Welcome to Iboats.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Is it possible to install steering console on 16 ft aluminum Lowe?

this is the smallest Todd Console. around $190.00 worked very well. requires rotary steering due to space. i did set it on a box, so my trolling battery could go under it.






Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Is it possible to install steering console on 16 ft aluminum Lowe?

alternative is to use the ez-glide stick steering, mount or portside, and engine controls on starboard side. this was my 3rd boat with this system.



Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: Is it possible to install steering console on 16 ft aluminum Lowe?

You might also check around with some of the aluminum boat manufacturers, one of them may have an accessory side mount console. There is one on my ancient Lund. It just attaches to the side of the boat with a few bolts and would fit just about any aluminum boat.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Re: Is it possible to install steering console on 16 ft aluminum Lowe?

You can make one or better yet, go to an old marine dealer that may have a "junker" way back in the corner of the back lot under the trees that will sell you the console out of it. I have had two boats with them, an Alumacraft and a Mirrorcraft. Both mounted to the rt side gunnel and a vertical brace to a floor stringer (rib) near the center line of the boat. Both worked great. On a bracket for your controls, you could fabricate a piece of aluminum. For where to get aluminum stock, try a metal recycler....go out to his "bone yard" and brouse around. May be surprised what you'll find and it probably would be fun.....would be for me. Otherwise anyone who manufactures with alum sheet is a good candidate. They usually have gondola's sitting around full of it for shipment to the recycler.

For attachment, take all your parts to a welder who is experienced in welding alum. BTDT. A weld, if done by a person competent in the process, will last as long as the boat even in the environment which a boat is subjected to. Then, if you are picky, get some touch up paint and touch up any burned off areas that may have been caused by the heat of the welding. I didn't have a problem with that.

I also had them weld in some brackets up front (for the attachment of a small plywood deck) so that I would have a flat floor under my feet for when I was operating my trolling motor from it's "bracket".

Mr. Tasha's daddy, man, you are a serious fisherman. Geez, I have never seen a downrigger/trolling setup like that.....or is that for a tree top full of Crappie? Whichever, you apparently believe in getting after it.



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Is it possible to install steering console on 16 ft aluminum Lowe?

i have since sold that boat, it went to south america. it was a great crappie, drift boat, or troll. trolled in the Fl Keys with it also. those are some really great rod holders, for both purposes. i had 3 4ft track, total of 12 holders.


Supreme Mariner
Apr 26, 2002
Re: Is it possible to install steering console on 16 ft aluminum Lowe?

I'm pretty much against adding a console.While it does help with weight distribution and it can provide some storage.It also takes up space,adds weight,complication,expense and maintenance.If I was going to do it it would be stick steering.I would try to rig the stick between my legs ,as a wheel might be,and put the controls on the right.I once added a wheel(rope steering) to a boat like yours by simply bolting a piece of plywood flat on the seat ahead then rotating the wheel mount so it angled toward my seat.
Controls on the right as usual.Loosely looked like a small whaler setup.Kept the wheel low and took only a few hours.Used a 40 Johnson.


Sep 8, 2006
Re: Is it possible to install steering console on 16 ft aluminum Lowe?

When I converted my front-deck runabout to a center console, I made the console out of 3/4 inch plywood. Once I selected a standing position to operate the boat, the only issue of any significance was how to route the steering cable, throttle cable and wiring harness. My console incorporated two seats but yours may be much simpler since you probably want to retain all the existing seating for structural purposes. Good luck!


Lieutenant Commander
Nov 7, 2002
Re: Is it possible to install steering console on 16 ft aluminum Lowe?

Here's some pictures of my 14' Lowe Jonboat. The console was built by the previous owner, but it's just a fiberglassed plywood box. I usually run the boat with my right knee on the seat, or standing next to the console to keep my weight centered. It's a fun boat as long as the water is calm.
Since the pictures were taken I've added a windshield and bow-mounted trolling motor. When it warms up I'll add navigation lights and a second battery.


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May 14, 2007
Re: Is it possible to install steering console on 16 ft aluminum Lowe?

When you put on a ez-glide stick steering system, where do you get the motor control unit?

For now, I'll keep my hand on the tiller--but I can dream.