85 HP suzuki power problems


May 22, 2002
I recently purchased a 1985, 85HP suzuki. It will run fine in the yard with the flush adapter attached. When i put the boat in the water, it will not idle even in neutral for more than 2 or 3 min. I believe that i heard the rpm drop yesterday when i lowered the motor. I have been able to get the boat, a 15' monarch, on plane several times and it will run 55-6000 rpms @ 50+ mph. drop the eng speed down and the motor will stall, but restarts fine. <br /> I have had the carbs removed and cleaned, replaced the fuel lines and bulb, replaced the diaphrams in the pump, adjusted the idle speed even to the point of having it too high, and still the motor will stall when in the water. I have even duplicated the "in water" boat angle and still it will run on dry land. There is also a HUGE power drop when on the way to the wide open position. It will lag and then catch. gas is fresh as is oil and i have opened the tank and inspected the interior with no abnormalities. Any ideas...Please help....ty


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 27, 2002
Re: 85 HP suzuki power problems

chewy,<br /><br />It sounds like a fuel problem, but it puzzles me. Will it idle for extended periods of time in the yard?


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 1, 2001
Re: 85 HP suzuki power problems

I have slightly older 50hp model and found that the foam hood liner was deteriorating causing small foam bits to enter carbs causing REPEATED need for carb cleaning. Variouse electrical grounds needed cleaning and due to weak coil have decided to run a smaller than recomended plug gap.<br /><br />Since working out these issues it has given great service.


May 22, 2002
Re: 85 HP suzuki power problems

Slick,<br />It started out idleing good then when it goes in the water stalls after 2 or 3 min idle. sounded like it was running out of gas. Changed fuel again just in case. Found out that the injside cover was rotting like yep said. I will now have to re-clean the carbs. <br /> New question: Since I first started the motor I thought the water was taking a long time to exit the pee hole. I took it for a trait of Suzuki. But ...I started the motor today in the yard and it would stall after the 3 min but the motor seemed to be a little warmer than i had noticed before. How long should it take for water to exit the peehole on a flush adapter. and could this be the source of the power lag problem untill it gets up on plane and a large amount of water is being forced through the motor.<br /> BTW you guys here are really great. Not only for putting up with o/board dummies like me but doing it in record time FOR FREE. God bless ya you are fantastic


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 1, 2001
Re: 85 HP suzuki power problems

There is no pee hole on mine. You might notice the exhaust sound will change slightly as the thermostat opens and more water spray comes out with the xhaust from the exhaust bypass port thing above the water line. During fast operationb most of the exhaust comes out of the prop. <br /><br />Tear that foam thing out of there.<br /><br />This might be of some help for you.<br /><br /> http://www.frontiernet.net/~bob_aloo/Carbclean/CarbClean.htm


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 27, 2001
Re: 85 HP suzuki power problems

Hi Chewy,<br />Had a problem like this on my boss's boat that turned out to be a spark plug.Ran fine at home played up when wet. (read boat afraid of water in stupid human tricks this site) It was a problem that appeared just after the plugs were exchanged. It took a long time to find and we ended up running on the water with a timing light attached. Lost spark on #2 cylinder occaisionally.Replaced new plugs with other new plugs then no further problems.<br /><br />Check the temp of your motor when testing it by touching the head. Do it from cold so you know when it is getting too hot. if you can't touch it for more than a few seconds you may have a problem. In my Suzi the pee hole comes from the water jacket and runs free after a few seconds. I check cooling out coz failures can be expensive.<br />Good luck


May 22, 2002
Re: 85 HP suzuki power problems

Ok folks here is the latest. Foam has been removed and have gone over all electrical connections that i can see. Carbs were rechecked by the shop that did them no problems there. Got it to run this morning for over an hour with the flush adapters. Put it in the water and it not only will not idle, it wont even start. The only way I got it to run is by holding fwd on the timing advance, i.e increasing the rpm in the process. Although ya have got to swim really fast to get it up on plane in that position. Question # who the hell knows any more: is it possible that the timing could have been played with in its former life causing this problem.<br />and what is the correct starting proceedure for this motor. I saw no warm up lever and am unfamiliar with suzuki basics. Thanks again for the help. There will be new plugs in there tomorrow and gapped a bit smaller that prescribed.


Re: 85 HP suzuki power problems

Chewy,<br /><br />Have you looked at the spark plugs? Are any of the three-real clean looking? The 85 Suzy's were notorious for popping head gaskets.<br /><br />I believe the Suzy remote controls have a warm up feature included in the throttle/gearshift control. Is there a rubber cover over the pivot point for the gear/throttle control? If so, push in the button under the rubber cover. This disengages the gear shift funtion and allows throttle only. You can then advance engine speed. The disengage feature de-activates when you go back to nuetral.