CRC Engine Tuner/Decarb question


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 27, 2007
I usually use the OMC Tuner to decarb my Johnson, but this time I bought the CRC Tuner/Decarb, because it was all the store had with the primer shreader valve on it.

The OMC Tuner directions say to use two 2 second bursts per cylinder and then a final 20 second burst or until the engine stalls, then let it sit for like 12hours or overnight.

The CRC directions just say to use the entire can and then let it sit for 3 hours and run it at high idle for 5 minutes.

I don't think I am gonna use the whole can on my little 115 Johnson, but will this stuff really do the job in 3 hours that the OMC Tuner takes 12 hours to do?? Is it stronger?

I don't want to leave it in my engine overnight if it's too strong for that, but will it really work in 3 hours or do you think overnight will work fine with this CRC Tuner?



Lieutenant Commander
May 29, 2007
Re: CRC Engine Tuner/Decarb question

That's one for the experts - of which I'm not. However I am a firm believer that whatever product you're using go by their specific directions. They make the stuff - should know how it works best.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 27, 2007
Re: CRC Engine Tuner/Decarb question

Yeah I usually trust the manufacturer instructions, and I remember the OMC stuff used to say to blow it out after 3-5 hours, but they changed the formula, so now it takes 12-15 hours.

I just don't want to put this stuff through and blow it out in 3 hours and have it do no good or leave it in overnight and have it hurt something.

The other thing is they say to use the whole can, which is nuts, that is way overkill, I doubt you could get the engine to run long enough to get through the whole can.

Guess I'll run some through and leave it in for like 5 hours and go blow it out on the bay at WOT.

Cricket Too

Lieutenant Commander
May 14, 2003
Re: CRC Engine Tuner/Decarb question

I can't believe 67 people looked at this and nobody has an answer for this guy. I've never used anything but the OMC stuff so I don't know. I owuld probably have the same question.

Can this stuff really do in 3 hours what OMC tuner does overnight?

How long does Sea Foam usually take?


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: CRC Engine Tuner/Decarb question

Is the "CRC Tuner/Decarb" product approved or recommended for use in 2 stroke motors?