Recertification Update Program


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 2, 2010
Browsing eBay for a factory service manual and came across a 1995 Mercruiser Stern Drives Inboards Recertification Update Program Manual.
What information would I find in this manual?

Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
The other Mercruiser Stern Drives Inboards Recertification Update Program that is for sale offers a better explanation of what the recertification update program offers.
Mercury MerCruiser Stern Drives & Inboards 1994 Recertification/Update Program.
  • From: Mercury Marine
  • Date: 1994
  • Contents: This book contains the contents of the 1994 program, some of which was originally presented in slide or video format. It contains a 1993 and 1994 Product Review, a summary of the Genral Session, and a number of Service Bulletins.
  • Many illustrations and diagrams.
  • This item will be of value to a dealer, owner, mechanic, or anyone needing information about these marine engines.
The recertification update program is more designed for the service tech's (and some service owners) to be able to go to one of Mercruiser's yearly service schools just to help update them of the latest changes done to the many products they offer, issues they've seemed to have had with them within the past year or two and offer more probable solutions of what and how to check for them.

The manual you receive for going briefly covers multiple engine model specifications, changes made for the model year/s, general Service and Parts bulletin information of around those years covering changes needed or done to certain items. Around that time Mercruiser also produced many VHS video tapes for how each system worked and was required to be viewed before going to most training classes...Nowadays it's more online video training.. vs Mercury University LEARN - Mercury Marine

If you read through the about 10 pages of the photos shown of the 1995 manual, it will help give you a basic idea of what to expect but this manual isn't really designed for a step by step of how to do something, more of a look out for this issue while you're in there sort of way.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Thanks much FT, sure appreciate your insight into this and so many other areas.