90HP Mercury 6 Cylinder Tower of Power 2 stroke - Problems Stuck in Fwd gear


May 5, 2014
I am at a loss. I received a 90hp Mercury mounted it to the boat hooked it all up fired right up, tilt/trim work great, but when i try to put it in reverse it will not go into it, im not sure it is even going into neutral. I unhooked the throttle cable and the shifter cable and tried manually shifting with no luck. i can move the shifter mechanism on the motor just fine but it seems to be doing nothing at all. The previous owner passed away so I cant ask if they had problems beforehand. Also when i reassembled during my initial attempts to start the motor i realized that the cables were not hooked up yet, could that have damaged the fwd reverse neutral gears? I ordered a new waterpump kit so i will be removing the lower end shortly but not sure what i am looking for to repair.

Also is their any local stores that would sell the manual or is this something i have to purchase online?
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May 5, 2014
Re: 90HP Mercury 6 Cylinder Tower of Power 2 stroke - Problems Stuck in Fwd gear


I took off the lower unit and tried to manually shift into reverse forward and neutral with no luck. If i move the prop i can get the shifter rod to move freely very far to the left and right but then it stops their is no clicking inbetween gears or anything. I was reading I might want to turn it past the stop point Counter clockwise and this might put it into the proper gears?

I was reading that it could be in no mans land right now and that it can spin 360 degrees.

Im Stuck need help.
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May 5, 2014
Re: 90HP Mercury 6 Cylinder Tower of Power 2 stroke - Problems Stuck in Fwd gear

All fixed just moved it ccw and it popped in neutral reinstalled everything is good now.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: 90HP Mercury 6 Cylinder Tower of Power 2 stroke - Problems Stuck in Fwd gear

Frank, Good that you found and fixed the issue. As you likely have realized that there are two neutrals, one on each side of forward. The one that is CCW from forward gear is the correct one.