150HP XP2 Motor any good?


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 2, 2010
I am looking at a Basstream bass boat, boat is in great shape, and has a 150hp XP2 Merc on it. Friend said those motors were bad motors but unsure if he knows what he is talking about. Any body have experence with them? This boat is a 2000 model, but I think the motor is older than that, maybe not.



Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: 150HP XP2 Motor any good?

The Merc V6 motors were a whopping success ever since their introduction in the late 70s. I am not familar with that model, however.

There was an XR2 model. An XR2 would be much older than 2000, I would think. The serial number will tell you the year and help you find parts and info


Aug 17, 2009
Re: 150HP XP2 Motor any good?

the late 80s and early 90s when the XR motors were made..they were the best motors ever made IMO...Is your merc fuel injected?? some of the early fuel injected versions did have problems from what I understand.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 2, 2010
Re: 150HP XP2 Motor any good?

the late 80s and early 90s when the XR motors were made..they were the best motors ever made IMO...Is your merc fuel injected?? some of the early fuel injected versions did have problems from what I understand.

Sparkie, the boat/motor I am looking at has carbs. I have never owned a Merc. and do not find much info as to good/bad motors.


Aug 17, 2009
Re: 150HP XP2 Motor any good?

I am all about carbbed motors...they are easy to maintain and run out very good. they can last over 40 years without rebuilding if you take care of them. If it is a XR motor, it is a great motor, as far as I know all of the post 70s merc carbbed outboards are great motors, I would recommend them as a brand. but you should still check compression, and spark and gear case oil on the one you are looking at, also look at block/head paint and make sure it is not wrinkled which is a sign of over heating...or pay a mechanic $100 to check it out for you. money well spent. If that is a XR2 motor it is probably from the 80s, so it is older than the boat and should devalue it slightly, probably came with a fuel injected motor that blew up, and replaced it with a older used motor, which is fine, just dont pay full price, which you should not do in this market anyway..most boats selling for around %30-40 less than value right now.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 29, 2003
Re: 150HP XP2 Motor any good?

Without knowing the year I can't say but is it a 2.5 liter? If so the engine part is nearly bulletproof. The XR2 and XR6 engines were very good with a great service history. My XRi is one of the best engines Merc ever built in many people's opinion. The Merc V6s are great engines.


Sep 22, 2006
Re: 150HP XP2 Motor any good?

Without knowing the year I can't say but is it a 2.5 liter? If so the engine part is nearly bulletproof. The XR2 and XR6 engines were very good with a great service history. My XRi is one of the best engines Merc ever built in many people's opinion. The Merc V6s are great engines.

The XR2 150 is a 2.0l, vertical reed, carb'd V6, originally oil injected, though some people have pulled the oil injection off.

It's a rock solid, spunky engine. In good tune it'll put out near the top of the 150 HP market band, or around 160 hp. Your's may or may not have a 4" prop LU on it. That, if anything, was the weakest part of the engine. Well maintained, they do well, but they have little tolerance for poor mechanics or maintenance, and usually complain by putting the pinion right out the side. Any 2.0, 2.4, or 2.5 Mercury LU will fit as long as the shaft length is the same, so a lot of XR2's and XR4's have 4.5" LU's on them now.

Some think the oil injection is a weak link. It is driven by a plastic gear with very little force on it. They are extremely reliable unless you grossly overheat the engine, melting the gear. Of course the whole burn down is usually blamed on the oiler. The Oil system module has diagnostics built in. If you don't hear the diagnostic beeps when you turn on the ignition, you don't know if the oil system is working or not. That brings up the other reason the oil system gets blamed for engine failure. It's actually a failure of the operator to pay attention to alerts or the lack thereof and take action.

The most frequent cause of engine trouble is fuel. It's a high performance 2 cycle with about 2 million BTU/hour burn going on inside. It takes seconds with cooling failure, or fuel shortage causing a lean burn and overheat to wreck the engine. They are set up well cooled and fat in mixture so in normal operations that would never be any trouble. Let maintenance lag, however, and all bets are off. If it isn't running right, don't keep running it.

In the XR series, XR2 is 2.0L, XR4 is 2.4L, XR6 and XRi are 2.5 L. They are so close in design that even major parts like crankshaft will somewhat interchange.

IMHO, the 2 cycle V6 mercury engine is one of the best ever made.

hope it helps