Shift cable at remote control disintegrated!


Apr 29, 2008
Gaaaah! My internet Fu has failed me. So, went out today on my 1988 Stingray (3.0L Mercruiser/Alpha 1) to get some lake time/learn to wakeboard. Was towing the kids on the tube when one fell off, so I throttle back, into neutral, then try to reverse. No reverse. Heck, no neutral! I had just paid a mechanic to replace the lower shift cable, as I had been having trouble finding neutral last season. I open the engine compartment to see if there is something obvious (like the mechanic forgot to reattach something), and no. the new lower cable is there, everything is attached as expected. I have my wife throw the shift from forward to neutral, to reverse, and I don't see the plate with the shift interrupt moving! I look behind the side panel where the remote is mounted, and I see the cable connecting into the remote has come apart. That is to say, the outside of the cable has come apart, there is still a wire running through it. The casing is all open and frayed. I'll assume that is what is now busted on the boat. I need to replace the shift cable from the remote control to the shift plate. Problem is that I can't find a diagram that shows this cable, or a procedure for replacing this cable, either in the manuals (I have manual 10 for the engine, and manual 6 for the outdrive) or onlline. Can someone point me in the right direction here? Every internet search I do returns back instructions and parts for replacing the lower shift cable, not the cable from the remote to the shift plate (which I am making the assumption is called the "upper shift cable"?). I need to know the part I need to order, and a procedure for installation/proper adjustment. Thanks in advance.




Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
I can guess what cable you need, but you need more than a guess. I will say to replace the throttle cable also since the remote needs to be disassembled and the throttle is probably in the same shape as the shift cable. Or soon will be.

What remote do you have get the right cable(s)?


Apr 29, 2008
No Title

Okay, how do I find the which remote I have? There are no markings that I can see on the control. Here is a picture - I did an image search online and came up with the Commander 3000 Classic ??



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Apr 29, 2008
go here click "mercruiser" , scroll all the way to the right , click "remote controls"

thanks for that. I go to that site quite often for reference, but I did not know they had a controls manual. That really clarified what I have to do, especially if I can confirm that I have the 3000 Classic control.

I guess the next question is, which control cable is the right one? I see Type 600A, and the Gen II. The Gen II are listed as for 4000 and newer single level controls. I would assume the 600A is for everything else and what I need, and the only thing I need to find out is the length? Also, iBoats sells a couple of brands; Sea Star, and Uflex. Any preferences? Better options?

Also, is it the same cable for throttle and for shift? If that is the case given they are not terribly expensive and like GA_Boater says, I'll have to open the control box anyway, I might as well replace both.

Thanks again for all the help. With a little luck I may be on the water y the end of the week.


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Bt Doctur

Supreme Mariner
Aug 29, 2004
yours should be the 600 type, I use Teleflex TEL CCX179xx(xx is the length)


Apr 29, 2008
No Title

Well, in case anyone wants to know what a blown up cable looks like, Here it is.

Good thing is that I was able to confirm the control I have (part number was marked around the lever bezel, and the control box had a part number also), and I don't even have to guess at the lengths, as the old throttle and shift cables are both marked with their sizes. I may get this one done today if local parts dealer has the cables in stock!




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Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Look just like my old ones. The new cables sure made shifting and gassing a lot easier.


Apr 29, 2008
Okay, further question for the gurus out there; I've got my cables and am going to re-install and put everything back together tonight. Now, the manual calls for loctite 271 thread-locker (the red stuff) for the screws that hold the shift cables, as well as for the control lever friction screw. My understanding is that any of the red loctite is pretty much permanent and takes gorilla strength to take apart again. When I took the control apart, the screws had a blue substance on them, so I wanted some opinions as to whether I should follow the manual instructions and use the red thread-locker or err on the side of caution and use the blue stuff that seemed to be there before.

Also, after having carefully gone through the manual, I didn't notice anything about adjustments for the cables on the control end. Is there any adjustment or length verification that needs to be done, or are the barrels on the cables at a fixed length from the cable ends? I know the motor end of the cables are specific as to there required measurements, and the barrels are adjustable.

Any advice or suggestions on this procedure are appreciated.




Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
I would use the blue thread locker like originally used. Just in case you need to work on the control again in the next 27 years. :joyous:

I don't remember any adjustment for the cable to fit the box. It's been a couple of years.