Update on my 4.3L replacement.


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 29, 2014
So last Friday I drove down to Rapido Marine and picked up the new 4.3 long block. The new motor was all wrapped up and ready to go, It was getting late in the day and I still had a 3 hour drive back home so I just had them load it up, paid the cash and went on my merry way. Once I got home and wrestled it down onto the floor of my garage I tore off the plastic wrap and proceeded to drool all over my shiny new (re-manufactured) 4.3L. After explaining to the kids and wife why the new motor "looked so much smaller" than whats in the boat. :) I begin to look over some of the details.

First thing I noticed was the mating surfaces where the intake/exhaust and heads meet were painted over and not bare metal. I suppose its just part of the painting process and they save time by not sanding the paint off? I don't think its a huge deal on the exhaust side but common sense tells me that intake to head needs to be perfectly smooth so whats the recommended way of sanding the paint off? I figure I will plug up the ports with paper towels and start with some rough sandpaper and once the major paint is off Ill sand it to bare metal with a fine grit??

Second thing I noticed was the two core plugs in the back by the flywheel were not brass. Looked like regular steel. Should I worry about this???

Third thing I noticed raised a HUGE red flag. The roller lifters were facing the wrong way! On 12 of the 16 lifters the roller was 90 degrees to the camshaft. The lifters can only go in one way due to the plastic keeper rail thingy and the flat post makes the fit the wrong way.

I have a call into Rapido Marine so hopefully they get back to me by tomorrow. Should I be worried about this and get a whole new engine? Or perhaps have them send me the correct rollers and put them in myself?? What else should I check for before dropping this back into the boat?



Vice Admiral
Oct 19, 2003
... the two core plugs in the back by the flywheel were not brass. Looked like regular steel. Should I worry about this???

Absolutely you should be concerned. They do need to be brass - not steel. If you are referring to the core plugs - with the water jacket on the other side. If perhaps you are looking at some oil gallery plugs or something, that would be different.

Third thing I noticed raised a HUGE red flag. The roller lifters were facing the wrong way! On 12 of the 16 lifters the roller was 90 degrees to the camshaft. The lifters can only go in one way due to the plastic keeper rail thingy and the flat post makes the fit the wrong way.

I have a call into Rapido Marine so hopefully they get back to me by tomorrow. Should I be worried about this and get a whole new engine? [/b

I'm not an expert at roller lifters... but if they are indeed installed incorrectly and you have steel core plugs... then if it were me, I would demand either a refund or a new engine. But that's me.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Ayuh,.... I donno how ya could put roller lifters in wrong, but it needs to be dealt with,....

I'm guessin' the core plugs yer talkin' 'bout, seal the Oil galley, no need for brass there,....


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
If your engine has a balance shaft. You will have one plug for the cam and one for the balance shaft.