Strange alarm pattern on a 496. Always & only occurs on 1st run of the day


Apr 19, 2010
I recently bought a 2005 21? Ultra w/ a 496 MAG, 100hrs. Before ever using it I took it to a great mechanic where I live in O C, Ca and had a full service which included a new raw water pump. No fault codes came up and the motor checked out. Things were great but on my 3rd trip at Lake Havasu I started getting the Smartcraft audible 2 beeps per minute. The boats runs perfect and all vitals are full, oil and temp are spot on. The boat lives at the Havasu Landing on the CA side and no mechanic there has a scan tool. I know there are many sensor faults it could be, but it?s a long trailer tow to figure it out which I may have to do but I was wondering if anyone could help me guess based on the pattern I?m seeing when it happens.

It only happens on my first run of the day. I launch, idle out of the harbor and see the temp shows 160-ish so I run it up to 3000 to get on plane and then pull back to 2000 cruising at 30mph. With in a few minutes the beep occurs, I then slow to a stop, shut the engine off, restart and it never happens the rest of the day. This is the pattern. However I can avoid it by going slow for a long time out of the harbor, for like 10 mins around 5 to 8mph and get everything all excessively warmed up and then I?m good.

Its as if something has to get warmed up or the computer has to catch up before I can increase RPM?s. Once all is warmed or electronically caught up I can go full speed, start stop and do whatever I want with no beeps the rest of the day. But the the next day if I don?t let the boat run for 10 mins before I increase speed, I get the beeps. Does anyone know if any of the sensors are typical of a pattern like this? Any help would be so greatly appreciated,
Thanks so much

Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Re: Strange alarm pattern on a 496. Always & only occurs on 1st run of the day

When you did the new impeller did you also buy a new impeller housing?

That brass impeller housing is famous for getting deep groove marks in it that could create air bubbles and send the air bubbles to the water pressure sensor that will sound a false warning horn.

But keep in mind if it is the water pressure sensor acting up in any way shape or form you may not see it stored in the fault history, Sometimes the only way to find out if it's the water pressure sensor is to have the scan tool hooked up and watch the live data as it's happening.

FYI, I believe there is a mercruiser certified shop that is on the water over by the fuel docks/Launch ramp at Lake Havasu Marina.

Or I also believe Prestige marine in lake havasu AZ offer mobile services to the channel, Maybe you could call them and have them run down there and hook up the scan tool for you.

Or there is a good certified mercruiser tech here on the boards named Havasuboatman that lives in havasu, Maybe you can send him a private message and have him meet you someday to check it out, It could be worth a shot. Here is his link if your interested in trying.

Good luck.:)


Apr 19, 2010
Re: Strange alarm pattern on a 496. Always & only occurs on 1st run of the day

When I did the new impellar, I bought a brand new raw water pump which icluded a new houseing. Is that the houseing your talking about? He told me it had grooves as all 496's do, so that is why he replaced it. He said the new impellar would not have created suction and seated right. Therefore I think I should be ok as far as bubbles go but that is a good point.

I've been reading more and things common to this could be a IAC muffler which could have sucked in and damaged the IAC valve and damaged the Throttle position sensor. I guess thats something that happens. I'll check the IAC muffler for damage.

One other guy said to unplug, clean and replug the MAP sensor.

Lastly on another sight I got a reply to check if the water temp sesnor wire on the raw water pump was put back on securly as many mechanics don't and they work loose. I'll check that and if not try going across the lake. Thanks for your reply

Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Re: Strange alarm pattern on a 496. Always & only occurs on 1st run of the day

Here's some general information I have put together about the warning horn systems on Mercruiser EFI engines.

The 2 beeps per minute can be generated by quite a few things. Some of the error conditions will limit the available power the engine produces. The 2 beeps/minute can be generated by: cam sensor open or shorted, engine cooling temperature circuit open or shorted, coil harness wire (EST) open or shorted, fuel injector open or shorted, IAC output, knock sensor, MAP sensor, MAT sensor, oil pressure circuit open or shorted, port/starboard exhaust manifold cooling temperature circuit open or shorted, sea pump circuit open or shorted, fuel pump relay, throttle position sensor circuit open or shorted, low 5 volt power supply as well as other errors.

Best suggestion for the 2 beeps per minute is to have the dealer/shop read out the error log to see what is generating the error condition.

This table below is a guick guide, showing what warning horn output will accompany a fault for the Sterndrive (MCM) Model Serial Number 496 MAG HO 0M000000 and Above/496 MAG 0M000000 and Above.

PS, for all the non 496/8.1 EFI engines, Your particular EFI engine may not not have every one of these Warning horn Fault sensors, But most of the newer style EFI engines from Mercruiser now has a lot of these sensors that are listed below. The best thing to do is to have a service manual from mercruiser for your engine to help you know what your engine really has as far as sensors go.

Also it highly recommended that if you could buy a marine scan tool from Rinda technologies, it will help aid you with diagnosing your warning horns, if your going to be working on your own EFI engines this is a must have tool.

Warning system Faults, SC1000 Yes/No, Audio Alarm, Available Power %, Description.

(1) Cam Sensor Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open or short, engine must be cranking to set this fault code.
(2) ECT CKT HI Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open
(3) ECT CKT LO Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Short
(4) ECT Coolant Overheat Yes Constant 6-100 % Engine guardian overheat condition
(5) EST 1-8 Open Yes 2 Bp/min NA Coil harness wire open
(6) EST 1-8 Short Yes 2 Bp/min NA Coil harness wire short
(7) Fuel Injector 1-8 Open Yes 2 Bp/min NA Fuel injector wire open.
(8) Fuel Injector 1-8 Short Yes 2 Bp/min NA Fuel injector wire short
(9) IAC Output Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Only with rpm
(10) Knock Sensor 1 Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Alarm sounds for 20 seconds in NEUTRAL and indefinitely in gear.
(11) Knock Sensor 2 Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Alarm sounds for 20 seconds in NEUTRAL and indefinitely in gear.
(12) Low Drive Lube Strategy Yes Steady Bp 0-100% Low oil in sterndrive.
(13) Low Oil Pressure Strategy Yes Constant 0-100% Low oil pressure strategy.
(14) MAP Sensor 1 Input High No 2 Bp/min 90% Short, no visual on SC1000.
(15) MAP Sensor 1 Input Low No 2 Bp/min 90% Open, no visual on SC1000.
(16) MAT Sensor Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open or short in MAT circuit.
(17) Oil PSI CKT Hi Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Short, defaults to 51.7 psi.
(18) Oil PSI CKT Lo Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open, zero oil pressure.
(19) Overspeed Yes Constant RPM Limit Engine over rpm limit
(20) Port EMCT CKT Hi Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open, defaults to 32 degrees F.
(21) Port EMCT CKT Lo Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Short, defaults to 32 degrees F.
(22) Port EMCT CKT Overheat Yes Constant 6-100% Overheat condition, 212
degreesF(100 degrees C) limit.
(23) Sea Pump PSI Lo Yes Constant 6-100% Low water pressure strategy, defaults to 43.4 psi.
(24) Sea Pump CKT Hi Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open.
(25)Sea Pump CKT Lo Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Short.
(26) STB EMCT CKT Hi Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open, defaults to 32 degrees F.
(27) STB EMCT CKT Lo Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Short, defaults to 32 degrees F.
(28) STB EMCT CKT Overheat Yes Constant 6-100% Overheat condition, 212 degrees (100 degrees C) limit.
(29) Steer CKT Hi Yes No No Open and short.
(30) TPS1 CKT Hi Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Short, signal to 5v+, engine will not start. Refer to data monitor screen.
(31) TPS1 CKT Lo Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open.
(32) TPS 1 Range Hi Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Above 4.8v, 994 counts.
(33) TPS 1 Range Lo Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Below 0.5v, 35 counts.
(34) Trim CKT Hi Yes No No Short, high range, visual warning on SC1000 only.
(35) Trim CKT Lo Yes No No Open, low range, visual warning on SC1000 only.
(36) 5 VDC PWR Low Yes 2 Bp/min varies Short any 5v+ to ground.

Here's some other information that what will sound the alarm on a mercruiser Engine.
Constant tone alarms are for:
1.) engine coolant temp overheat,
2.) low engine oil pressure,
3.) engine overspeed,
4.) exhaust manifold cooling temp overheat
5.) sea pump PSI low.
Note #5 is known to be a common problem, It's been said that this fault might not show up in the fault history section of the scan tool.
If that is the case then the only other way to know if this is your problem, is to watch this sensor live as it happens out on the water with the scan tool hooked up to the engine.
Also make sure all the Battery cables are clean & tight plus a fully charged Battery is very important.
Check the water pressure sensor threads for any paint, Also check the sensor to see if it has come loose or Has a blockage of some kind.
If any sensor has lost it's ground it could sound the alarm. As an additional test, try adding a ground wire to the sensor threads to possibly stop the warning horn.
There is also a chance that you could have picked up or created some air bubble for a short time, until the boat slowed down, possibly due to the brass water pump impeller Housing could be failing due to deep grooves inside housing creating a disturbance with the water flow.

Constant beep alarms are for:
1.) low outdrive lube level.

Two Alarm beeps every 60 seconds are for:
1.) Faulty cam,
2.) IAC,
3.) MAP,
4.) MAT,
5.) knock sensors.
6.) open/short in the engine cooling temp circuit
7.) open/short in fuel injector wiring circuit,
8.) open/short in oil PSI circuit,
9.) open/short in exhaust manifold cooling temp circuit,
10.) open/short in sea pump circuit,
11.) open/short in throttle position circuit


Apr 19, 2010
Re: Strange alarm pattern on a 496. Always & only occurs on 1st run of the day

Thank you very much for this great information. I'll check a few things but it looks like I need to get to get it scanned. This is great education and info I will print and hold on to.