So success! I pulled off some good spark plug wires off another old outboard - and I now have a motor running on two cylinders, with enough power to get me in a 14' lone star up on plane. The bad news - the spark plug wires are just long enough to stretch, but too short to sit comfortably in the motor - so I'll still need to order some more (new) wire. Second problem - the motor at first was still running poorly, at full throttle, until I dialed the high speed (bottom) needle all the way in. At that point, the engine ran much better, but it would sputter somewhat. I dialed it about 1/3 of a turn out, and it ran best there. However, the needle won't stay still - it turns CCW by itself (which is the same as the knob dropping due to gravity). I assume I don't have the carburetor bottom needle set up properly, but I'm not sure what to do. So two questions: 1) I gather I need 7mm solid core wire - can I use braided wire? I see there are several kinds of solid core wire out there. 2) What do I do about the bottom carb. By the way - I'm running 50:1 gas at the moment.