Using OMC control box for Honda


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 23, 2007
I have a standard side shift control box that was used on a 40hp OMC. I just bought an 01 50hp Honda that did not come with a control box.

Is there anyway that I can use my OMC box to control the Honda?

Can the teleflex 479 Cables be converted to work with the Honda?

My ignition and kill switch will not be on the box. Only need it for throttle, shift, tilt/trim switch.

Any thoughts, suggestions, or experience with this?

Thanks Guys!


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 23, 2007
Re: Using OMC control box for Honda

Better yet, is there an aftermarket shifter that can work for my motor?


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 21, 2010
Re: Using OMC control box for Honda

DJ... Yes you can rig almost any control to any motor. Some conversions are easier than others. I setup an old gale two lever control to run a 15 hp 4 stroke. I have a complete machine shop and an engineering background to cautiously do it. I really wanted to go with Mercury stuff but the $450 price tag for tiller conversion and linkages deterred me. Just be aware that jury rigging can somtimes hang you!!!! You motor up to the dock and hit reverse only to find that the linkage just fell apart. Fiberglass repair is also very expensive.
The other issue is that most factory controls have saftey interlocks that force you to operate safely. Ebay and craigs list have many good values and the simplicty of most controls can be rebuilt or repaired so your exposure is minimal. Good luck on your quest!!!