2004 6HP Tohatsu Bogging Down After Storage


Oct 13, 2017
Hey guys,

I have a 2004 Tohatsu 6HP outboard that I've left in storage for the past year. I took it out for the first time yesterday. the motor would idle just fine, but as I increased the throttle it would bog down. With the choke open about half way it ran just fine and i could get the boat up to speed. My first guess was a clogged Carb, so I took the carb off and sprayed everything down with carb cleaner. I also changed the spark plug while I was at it. After assembling everything back together, the symptoms are the same. I don't see any pinched gas lines, and it seems like the fuel bulb is holding pressure. Should I order a carb rebuild kit or look for other possibilities first?


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 10, 2016
I have nearly the same motor (earlier model, and badged Nissan). When you took the carb out, did you take out the main jet and main nozzle and make sure those were clean?? I would also make sure the float drops and doesn't stick. The other thing to check is the screen inside the tank... you can screw off the tank dip tube and slide it out to check. You can also take the fuel pump apart and make sure it is clean too. None of these cost any money and are pretty quick checks

Does sound like you are running lean, especially since you can get it to keep going by having the choke half-set.

The bulb holding pressure just tells you that you don't have an air leak between the bulb and the fuel pump (good thing to know though!), it won't tell if you're getting flow when you need it.


Apr 20, 2008
Spraying the carb makes it shiny; it does not clean the passages. You must completely disassemble the carb (yes, jets and emulsion tube nozzle as well), and do a 4-hour soak in real carb dip, then liberally spray out and reassemble, verifying float height and drop.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 10, 2016
The other thing you can do (as a troubleshooting step) is squeeze the bulb WHEN it is bogging down on full throttle. If it starts to recover, then I'd look more at the fuel pump and pull it all apart and clean it thoroughly. If it doesn't recover, then I'd focus more on getting the carb clean.

Btw... did you change the fuel FILTER?? If not, I'd do that too if having problems after long-term storage!

Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
After the 4 hour soak in real carb dip as suggested by Paul, test OB again with fresh fuel...

Happy Boating