NS40C - Running well, but stalling when turning?


Apr 2, 2017
Hi all,
So finally got the boat out for a test run... ran very well for a bit, then suddenly would die when I moved my tiller. Got worse and worse until it would not start when pulling the cord.

The motor would start strong or then run, cut out, start running again, repeat repeat repeat. At times it would not even fully shut off before it would fire back up strong for a second and conk out again. After 15 minutes of this she just wouldn't start again.

It was having similar issues on my last outing in 2016, so I replaced the gasline and tank and motor gas connectors, changed plugs, and it runs great when it works, but cuts out based on steering.

Are there any specific components that would cause this strange stalling? I let it idle for 10 minutes before I went for a run... ran better than ever. Drove for about 15 minutes at various speeds... ran amazing. Then suddenly, this power cutting out issue arose.

I'm wondering if there is an issue with the kill switch and it fails when the motor heats up? Would a fuel filter replacement be a good option? Would a dirty carb cause this?

Just baffled, and want some suggestions from the pros. It runs so well when it is running, but this fuel or kill switch issue is frustrating.

Please help out if you have some suggestions... it was a long paddle back to shore on lake simcoe. Was not looking for a workout, and don't want to do it again!


Apr 20, 2008
Don't guess; diagnose. That will help with the frustration. If it is failing hot, it's probably electrical, so test when it fails. If it quits when steered off of center, that could be a wire that is failing, or a fuel line that pinches, etc.

Why would you suspect the gas filter? A varnished carb usually causes idle or low-speed issues.

If you run with the cowl off, it will be cooler, so if the power loss goes away (or is measurably less) without the cowl, you know that you have a component that fails when hot.


Apr 2, 2017
Interesting thoughts Paul. Had the cowl off and that did not resolve the issue, so heat is not likely the culprit. I am going to put the muffs on today and see if I can locate the issue.

The reason I figured it could be the carb or filter was perhaps some debris inside was rolling around and clogging the system up when I started to move.

Will update later if I have anymore details.

Thanks as always Paul!

Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
Check all elctrical components grounds to be in shinny state, include all powerhead grounds where electrical grounds connects to. If not mint, sand, polish all with small particle sanding paper. Strange that that issue appears when turning.

Happy Boating


Apr 2, 2017
So just tested the kill switch with the muffs on... the guy before has used a zip tie behind the button rather than the proper c clip release with the tether. With the zip tie I could barely touch the button without it dying. Switched the zip tie to the proper clip and the resistance to shutting off took quite a bit more pressure. Hoping that is the solution because it is running great with the new plugs and gas line.

Thanks for the tips Paul and SR, and I will let you know how it goes. Will be testing again in the next 24 hours.

Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
That tricky one is for the book, why doesn't boaters install the proper part that works as factory intended. Definitely a cost theme.

Happy Boating


Apr 2, 2017
That tricky one is for the book, why doesn't boaters install the proper part that works as factory intended. Definitely a cost theme.

Happy Boating

Haha! From what I recall he misplaced the clip at home and needed a quick fix. The zip tie was the solution and he never bothered to put the proper clip back on. He gave me the clip when I bought the boat, I just forgot/got lazy to change it out.
Still have not tested it... been chilly and raining here all week. I have to admit, I am nervous to test it without a kicker motor as back up. 2 hours of hard paddling was not in my plans last week, but ended up being added!


Apr 2, 2017
So, just an update for everyone. Tested out the outboard with the proper clip and all seemed to be working well... no stalling. It appears the issue has been resolved. I did about 20 runs, 20 seconds or so WOT, and trolled at idle for about 45 minutes.

Guess it was that dumb zip tie that was causing the problem! Well, cheap and easy fix... but could have done without the paddling last trip! Lol

Meh, free fix, free exercise... could be worse I guess. :)
Thanks again SR and Paul! You are both awesome to have as contacts, and I can't thank you enough for the speedy replies and suggestions.

WOT Spring is here!