Tohatsu msf50 hot starting problem NEW 2015 engine.


Mar 11, 2016
I might be having the same problem as the older TLDI50 engine with my new MFS50. Vapor locking?

Runs perfectly when cold but once hot it won't restart easily. About 20 attempts before it fires up.

Cleaned the injectors, new spark plugs, tried different fuel brands, complete service. Only 50 hours on the engine and run in properly.

I read on the other thread that Tohatsu put in an extra external fuel pump and changed something in the cpu. And that Tohatsu was thinking of installing an internal extra pump. Surprised that it may be the same problem on a later model engine.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 9, 2008
pvanv is correct, use a cellphone to get good video of it acting up and then tell Tohatsu to give you an engine that works or a refund.

If you are having a problem similar to the one you were having with a different engine I would try running it on a known good portable tank before I took it for warranty work. You could have a fuel problem with an onboard tank.
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Jul 22, 2004
If it is vapor lock it's not an engine problem as such. Overheated fuel, incorrect fuel blend for temperature and too long of a fuel line/improperly routed fuel line leads to vapor lock. Tohatsu does offer a warrantied remedy through its dealer network by adding an external fuel pump and doing a software change for the people that are having that problem. I haven't heard of anyone with a Tohatsu 4-stroke having this issue although it wouldn't surprise me that someone will eventually.
Apr 7, 2017
I havery the same problem going on with my one year old 50hp four stroke. After 3 times at the dealer I came up with my own trouble shooting method for them to try. Eveytime they checked it they did it at the dealer and said it starts first time all the time no problems. Well my problem is only after it runs in gear for at least 5 mins or so. Well the way we found out what was wrong was run the motor at 2000 rpm in gear for 5 mins and then turn off and wait 2 mins and try to start, if it won't start then you have a bad electronic ignition control. Mine has been removed from the engine and over night'ed to tohatsu because there is a faulty software glitch in the computer. hey are fixing free of charge under warranty and also doing some upgraded on the motor and computer free of charge. So if anyone out there runs into the tohatsu four stroke being hard starting after running do the test above and have the dealer check the control unit.
