9.9 Hp Honda 4-strong shaft alignment.


Feb 7, 2016
I recently replaced my impeller on my 9.9 4 stroke Honda outboard and after reinstalling the lower unit noticed when the shifter is in neutral that there is a slight clicking when I spin the propeller. If I put presser on the shifter toward the reverse direction this clicking stops. In my opinion this problem is linked to the splines in the shaft no being perfectly aligned. The engine runs fine and pumps waterer fine but this clicking is new and needs to go away. I an looking for guidance on how to get the shaft to align. I also expect it is the shaft because when I disconnect the shifter linkage it still makes the noise.

sam am I

Jun 26, 2013
Thinking your shiftier to shift rod at coupling is one spline (tooth) off..............One too many teeth indexed towards forward gear.

Think there was like only 6 teeth/splines, so it's a pretty course adjustment.

Might just have to drop it just enough, re-adj/centering the shift handle, put/assuring transmission/gears in neutral, slide it back together, try again.

Might require even an ever so slight bit of pre-load if I recall mine and how it went together...........So with the trans in neutral, have the shift handle slightly pressured towards forwards when ya slide the splines together, it'll tend to move towards reverse then when relaxed as the handle centers in its neutral detent.
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