Force 85 HP 88' - cable


May 8, 2009

I noticed my cable between engine and console has been cut off :facepalm:.
It's 10 core cable and I am wondering whether I should buy new cable or try to repair it. Cable goes under the deck and might have a contact with water.

If I need new one, can I buy any 10 core cable or I need special one?
what conductor size and diameter do you recommend?

Thank you for your answers....

PS. My engine - Force 85 HP 88'

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: Force 85 HP 88' - cable

The stock power cable to your engine is only special in that the red wire (which supplies power to the ignition switch) and black ground (which most times is unused) is larger than the others. Here in the US, I have only seen 7 or 9 wire bundles: Red, black, blue, white, green, yellow, and orange. Some also have an extra blue and green for trim signal.

Usually, marine wiring is tin plated to help prevent corrosion but I don't remember if this one is--I suspect so.

If you think you can adequately seal the cable from water intrusion, then by all means repair it. If not, there is no specific need to buy 10 core. You could run a separate feed and ground of about 12 gauge then also run smaller 16 gauge 8 core cable


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Re: Force 85 HP 88' - cable

If it's been cut and it MIGHT get wet replace the whole cable.12-16 ga will work.
Try to get the OEM if possible it has the connectors you need.J
I sent you a pm