"Save The Manatee "


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
found a corn snake in the shed last night i grabbed him at first thinking he was a bungee cord ..... i kept motion going when i figured it was a snake and he landed in shrubby unscathed but im not sure who was more shocked him or myself and from that point on i had my glasses on :)


Mar 29, 2017
You have ruined me now. I hope you don't mind I mention your thread all the time now locally. Anytime I talk with boat guys here. I say we are saving the manatees when referring to hull work. Of course a explanation follows. There is a guy on my boat forum and his threads name is.......... bla bla bla.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 16, 2012
Here ya go Chev....


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Grabbed a bungee at work today . Glad it wasn?t a snake Mick !
Got half of the boat primer sanded this afternoon . Really impressed with this primer . Hope the paint does as well ! Wish I had picked up some 3m marine filler ..A few spots I could have hit .. Not to concerned I guess it is just a fishing boat .. Sand the rest out tomorrow after work then maybe some paint Sunday ...


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Paints not happening today .... Got it all ready but my daughter scored some tickets to the Jaguars vs Chargers game today .
I can put off painting for some father daughter time with no hesitation .... Ya'll look for me on the tv ... I'll be the one with the Jaguar hat on ! :D
And my daughter will be the one hollering at the officials !! :rant:


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Still no paint yet ... Work in the way last Saturday and Sunday was the Annual Heart walk that was re-scheduled due to the Hurricane ..My company takes care of the water stops along the walk ...But the job sight is shut down till Monday so if it stops raining the plan is to get some paint on ! ;)
Hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving !!!


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
I was fat before the feast even started ! LOL !
OK so I am wanting to paint some accent strips or something on the raised section of the top side of the hull ..
Would it be easier to paint the accent color first then tape what I want then spray main white color ? Or spray the main color first then lay the stripes afterwards so I could flip the boat back upright .. I don?t Think I am as talented as GM is for taping stuff upside down .. Speaking of GM has anyone heard from him lately ?
Hope he is just taking a break and doing well ...


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Sam, haven't heard from GM now that you mention it. Hope he is doing well also. As for the stripes, you typically do the accent color first, then the main color. That is done primary because the accents give you less area to tape off. You should be able (I think) to break the paint, upper and lower at the rub rail. I did that on Miss Morgan, even though the stripe is above and below the rub rail.

I kind of like using base clear for stripes like GM did, but a single stage will work also. I think you have a single stage paint, doesn't require the clear? The base on a B/C finish drys almost immediately, which allows you to tape off and paint the next color after about 30 minutes. Once you have both colors on, you shoot the clear. Just allows everything to happen in one day, no sanding

With the single stage, you paint the accent color, wait at least a day, they tape off and paint the other color. The part that is a pain, is that you have to sand accent paint over spray any place you have it under the main color.

I have seen a few people try to tape off the area around the accent and paint it Then try to tape off the paint along the same line, to cover up the accent, then paint the main color. That save the sanding, but it never seems to turn out well. trying the tape off the same line twice is almost impossible.

I'll quit babbling now.....its the coffee :D


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Arch , your babbling is always welcome and my brain babbling after looking at it this morning is the same as yours .. I did the tape and re-tape trick with the stripes on the MFG and your right ... It was rather time consuming and difficult .. So I will shoot accent color first ,tape , then main color ..
Really just a simple design . Stripe just under the rail with another stripe where the raised section ends and kinda blocked off back about a foot or so from the transom .. Kinda rounded off sorta Glastron style leaving enough room for the Manatee emblem on the accent color ... I was also wanting to have Manatee spelled out on the base color just in front of the accent block out ... Only thing is I want that in black so I may just have a decal made for that idk ..
Maybe I'm getting a little to fancy for just a fishing boat but what the heck ! :watermelon:
Just washed it down to get rid of the couple weeks worth of dust on it now just waiting for it to dry ..
The directions on the delfleet said 2 to 4 hour before tape but I will let it sit over night just to be sure it's cured well ...


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Sounds like plan. I went with a sticker on Miss Morgan and I have been happy with it.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Ok , put 2 coats of accent on ... I think the guy at the paint place mixed the wrong color . The color I choose was really a more sea foam lighter looking green .. I think they stole my MFG green formula ... Oh well I ain't changing it . IMG_2252 (800x600).jpg

I did the rolled tape to avoid ridge line trick .. IMG_2253 (800x600).jpg
IMG_2257 (800x600).jpg

Hope the over spray sands out ok in the morning ... Looking forward to turning her white !
Gunna get up early to start taping it off ...


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Nice looking color! Just wondering about why you taped part of it off? I usually let the paint feather out naturally, then just knock he fuzzy nib off at the edges with a little sand paper.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Arch, the idea to tape it off was just to keep some of the overspray off . A lot of good that did . LOL!
And when you tape it to keep from having a ridge build up you kinda roll the tape backwards that way there is no hard edge ..
Now if I was smart I would have took the time to cover it better but I just got in a hurry ...
If I was to do it again I probably would not have taped it .. Still learning so one day I may actually know what I?m doing .LOL !
One thing for sure my new compressure kicks A_ _ !!!
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Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
Hey Sam glad to hear the compressor is working great! Not taping any of it is how we did it in the body shop back in the day. That has always worked well for me. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the color go on!