1983 Invader Floor Repair Support Needed


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 13, 2014
I'm no good at reading chips but that was a great comparison in pictures. I'm a little concerned but a few more test holes are needed. Regarding the "deck removal tip" video no need to grind below the hull/deck joint just above where you'll be glassing. Don't forget the 1/4" gap and the PB. On grinding try to cut off as much as you safely can then grind the rest - cutting being more efficient. Enjoy the BBQ!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 20, 2009
BBQ was great! Chicken, salmon, halibut, rice, beer. Ok, video update is posted at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNf...GB0AlkTszgdXGg. As you can see, I have drilled a small (1/8") hole right through the hull. From the outside, this is in a very inconspicuous place, so it shouldn't be a concern from a cosmetic standpoint. However, regardless of how good or bad the hull looks cosmetically, I don't want the boat to sink so do I just fill this in with epoxy mixed with the fiberglass dust?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 20, 2009
Please describe the "1/4" gap and the PB" or point me to where I can read/watch about this. Thanks, Rickmerrill.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 13, 2014
Just look at any of Woodonglass' posts and click on the signature line "Fabricating Decks, Stringers and Transoms".


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 13, 2014
PB is peanut butter. Woods PB recipe is 1qt of polyester resin, 1.5qt of Cabosil and 1/4 cup (2 oz) of 1/4" chopped strands (aka milled fibers). Think of it as a general purpose glue or filler that you make yourself and vary depending on needs. It is used for creating fillets, gluing outer transom skin to new transoms, filling holes and other things.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Transom Shavings appear to be somewhat "Damp" possibly. Not sure if those are from one location only. If so I'd advise you to drill in several other locations. This is nothing to worry about 5 -6 holes is not an issue. If we discover that the transom is in fact A-OK you will fill these holes with 3M-5200 sealant and everything will be fine. You want to KNOW for sure the condition of the transom now while you're in there. Get as low as you can an work across the bottom Port to Starboard. If all the shavings in all the spots look the same as what you have shown then it's decision time. A Damp transom will eventually dry out but it could also eventually develop dry rot. You can treat it with some Antifreeze which will help alleviate that problem and if it's not to extensive could give you 10 or more years of service. Lets see what some more core samples show and go from there.

That small hole in the hull is a No Brainer. We'll fix that in 10 mins when the time comes. Suit up Mask up and Get that Foam OUt!!!!!!;):D
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Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 20, 2009
Thanks Wood! (I was re-reading your Fabicating Decks, Stringers and Transoms string and noticed others using this shortened name for you). I nearly got 1/2 of the foam out late yesterday - not too bad given the small size of by boat. I think I'm going to get the rest of it out and the stringers as well and then take some more transom core samples. It'll just be a lot easier to get to the transom with all of that stuff out of the way. Gonna take a few days though as I had to go back to something I call "work".


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 20, 2009
Thanks Wood! (I was re-reading your Fabicating Decks, Stringers and Transoms string and noticed others using this shortened name for you). I nearly got 1/2 of the foam out late yesterday - not too bad given the small size of by boat. I think I'm going to get the rest of it out and the stringers & bulkheads as well and then take some more transom core samples. It'll just be a lot easier to get to the transom with all of that stuff out of the way. Gonna take a few days though as I had to go back to something I call "work".


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
"Gonna take a few days though as I had to go back to something I call "work"."

OH NO not that!!!!....
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