Hello All !!! 1979 17' Terry Boats Resto-Mod


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 1, 2014
Hey All !!!
I just wanted to introduce myself and my project.
I didn't see an introduction section, so if I missed it, please move this thread.
Basically, my name is Troy and I live in Southern Indiana with my wife and our son.
We also have a daughter who last year gave us our 1st grandchild. Can't believe he is almost a year old.

I am the Technical Director for our local community theatre annex space. Since this is community theatre I also do whatever needs to be done. Secondly I am my grandson's primary babysitter, which is the best job in the world.

Back to boats, though. I have fished my whole life it seems like. I have several friends who have boats of various sizes/shapes. This past December I got my first boat. A 1979 Terry 17 with Evinrude 115hp hanging out back.

There are two good things about this boat. The hull is in great shape, and the motor runs good. Everything else is bad.
The boat itself was neglected for years. The last guy that owned it seemed to take care of the motor at least, not sure about anyone before him.
Someone put a casting deck in the front of the boat from console to the bow. It was mush, unfortunately so was the floor and stringers.
The transom is solid except in one corner, and since I have to split the hull the whole thing will get replaced. New transom, stringers, flooring, etc.

I have named her unofficially, Ugly Betty. Originally the cap was a brown gel coat with copper flake in it. Now it is flaking off blue with red stripe. (oh and it had green carpet).:facepalm:

The plan is to redo the whole thing. I know, I know... but before anyone mentions it. I understand I will NEVER get out of it what I am about to put into it. This is simply a project that my son and I can work on together and then get many years out of it fishing with him and my grandson.

So far, we have torn out the old casting deck and the flooring back to bench seat. Can't reach too much more without popping the cap. There are some pluses, btw, within the last year it has had a new steering box, cable and battery. Also the fuel tank does not seem to be that old. Certainly not original. The gauges all work, only I hate the look of the console. Also the hull only has some minor scratches and one spot on the bottom of the transom that looks as it was repaired. I'm sure it's not coincidental that is the same place the transom is soft on the inside.

The trailer needs some work, as in new wiring and some new paint.

I have been watching and reading so many posts and videos I am on a little bit of information overload. I have learned a lot from Friscoboaters video series on his Sea-Ray and others. Thank you all for taking the time to share your knowledge.

I have tons of questions, but this post is too long as it is, so I will leave it to just the introduction for now.
Take care and Happy Boating/Building.
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Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

Welcome to iBoats!

Thanks for the introduction. I for one always like to know a little about the person and of course the boat. Make sure and open a Photobucket account and start posting some pics of "Ugly Betty" so we can get to know her "Up close and personal"!!!:lol:

Look forward to hearing more about your progress.



Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

Hey All !!!
I just wanted to introduce myself and my project.
I didn't see an introduction section, so if I missed it, please move this thread.
Basically, my name is Troy and I live in Southern Indiana with my wife and our son.
We also have a daughter who last year gave us our 1st grandchild. Can't believe he is almost a year old.

Take care and Happy Boating/Building.

:welcome: to iboats Troy

Look forward to conversing on issues, and also about the grand kids


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

Welcome abroad IUPapabear :welcome: Always good to have you join iboats.

After reading about yourself and family and boating project, I'm sure you've read a few of these refurbishing threads too. You surely come to the best place for most anything concerning boat/trailers/engines and whatever it takes to enjoy boating of any type. If you're up to the work, let's go... Very first thing you need to do is post lots and lots of pictures. That way we can see what you see and can help with whatever you need help with. Again welcome aboard! :joyous:


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

Hi and welcome aboard the restoration train, Troy...
We'll keep it simple for now and just get you to figure out how to post pics of your project...
Besides the tons of other great info available here...http://forums.iboats.com/boat-resto...r/how-tos-other-great-information-288451.html
Check out Number 11, on how to post photos...
You are in the best place on the interweb to get all the information you'll need to bring this fishing maching back to better than new condition and one you and yours will be proud to own for many, many seasons!
best of Luck and Have Fun!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 1, 2014
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

Here are a few photos to get started. Just remember, her name is Ugly Betty for a reason...

Thanks for welcoming me to your community!!!!
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

Maybe you can add to the name when you get done restoring with "Not So"


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 1, 2014
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

Okay, here goes my largest concern.
I am concerned that when I remove the cap the hull will flex out of shape without the floor it.
Are tri-hull better or worse for this than other types of hulls? Not that it matters, I have a tri-hull, just curious.
There are four bunks underneath that the hull is sitting on and one on each side.
Building a cradle is out of the question.

I do not have a shop at my house as I own a townhouse condo. The association rules also do not allow parking of boats, RV's, etc. overnight. I can bring it over here and work on it, but not leave it here other than during the day.
I keep the boat across the street at a self serve storage unit.

The really sad part is my shop at work is more than large enough to put the boat in and work on it. The problem being there is no door large enough to fit through. Our Annex is in an older 4-plex movie theater. We use one theatre that has a stage as our performance space. The other three theatre spaces are, rehearsal room, costume shop/storage, and then my scene/prop shop. Really a pain in the butt as we have plenty of room to build huge sets, but they have to able to break down in order to go thru 2 sets of double doors to get on stage. :grumpy:

I have a few idea's but I am not sure about them and want to get some idea's from others.
Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me. - Troy

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

welcome aboard.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

You can add some extra supports to the trailer and keep everything mobile...You seem to work in a field I used to work in several years ago...creating scenery for TV & videos...was a ton of fun with really long hours...
That being said, you should be able to construct some kind of good solid support structure for the hull...Tri-hulls are inherently a bit stiffer due to their design, but you want to be sure to take good measurements, lots of reference pics, and notes...
Another support you can add are some cross beams across the top of gunwales...when you remove the cap to keep the sides from flexing too much.
I have some pics of the cross pieces I'm talking about but can't access them from work...if you need them, let me know and I'll post them up when I get home.


Apr 5, 2011
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

Hello Troy and Welcome to the i-boats family..
I really like the tri hull you have.. Especially the cut down transom and the steps.. Very cool..:D

GT1000000 has a great support system he used on his hull.. Check out his thread..

Looking forward to joining the thread and seeing new progress..:encouragement:


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

I really like the tri hull you have.. Especially the cut down transom and the steps.. Very cool..:D:

I agree with Decker on the step down transom ! No swim ladder needed ..
Gunna tag along if ya got room ! Welcome aboard ! :joyous:


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 1, 2014
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

GT1000000, Thank you!!! I would love to check out the pictures of your set-up.
It is fun, and you work, mostly with some great people. The downside is all the deadlines. Everything has a deadline and it was yesterday.

One thing I am looking forward to is not having a set deadline to finish the boat. Sure once you start some parts of it, you have to finish and get to the next one, but overall this will be done.when it get's done, so to speak.
Plus it always seems there is something you can do that may not cost a boatload of cash at the moment. I told my son that sandpaper is cheap, comparatively speaking, make sure your arms and shoulders are well lubricated. LOL

Funny that you mention the transom step as I had previously thought about removing it and make it into a storage compartment. I have since decided against that and leave the steps in. I'm still going to use it as a storage compartment, just be able to access in a different way.

Thanks again for all your replies and advice!!!- Troy


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

Well here ya go...
This is the simplest method of providing some cross wise support to the hull...

This is taking the above to the next level, I did this set up in preparation for flipping the hull to get the bottom of it all spiffed up and ready for paint...
Made a couple of spacers/templates/braces to hold stuff in alignment out of some scrap wood...

Then after I actually installed some of the internal structure, I added this additional bracing to help support everything for the big flip...

All of that to do this...

And end up with this...

As far as adding some good support to the hull from the outside, while it is sitting on the trailer, here is what another Iboats member did...
Another thing to keep in mind is to look at the signature of the guys who post on your thread...most of them have been through this and have a link, either to their completed or in progress restoration...by perusing through them you will get a lot of ideas...


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 1, 2014
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

Thanks everyone. Sorry it has been awhile, work has been crazy. I had two shows going at one time with multiple responsibilities at the same time. :facepalm: Anyway down to one show now and a few days off and of course the forecast is for rain each day. Tomorrow looks the easiest to duck the liquid sunshine so hopefully I can knock some things out.
I have been reading the forums as much as I can, especially GT1M's restoration thread. Man, that is some fine craftsmanship setting the bar really high!!! :rockon:
Trying to do some calculating on materials. Just for the transom, stringers and decking, what would be a good estimate on CSM & 1708??? Reminder, it's a 17' Trihull from 1978. I am thinking at least 30-35 yards of CSM and 25-30 yards of 1708... am I close?? Too much, too little ??? BTW, both would be 50" width.
Thanks in advance for any replies.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

View attachment Fiberglass repair MaterialsList.pdf
Here's a start ^^^, compliments of WOG. Just scale it up/down a little for +/- stringers and a 17ft boat.

You may use more or less resin & glass then someone else, so as you use up the 1st order of materials, you'll be a better judge of how much you'll need to finish. It may work out cheaper to buy 3 5gal pails of poly now, then later order 2 or 3 single gallon buckets more later. If need be an extra 1 right at the end to finish.

You will waste some as you get used to mixing & using the poly before it kicks off. But the poly hockey pucks make great gifts:



Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 1, 2014
Re: Hello All !!!

Re: Hello All !!!

Thanks jbcurt00 (and WOG) !!! Just what i needed!!!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 1, 2014
So glad iBoats is back up !!!!!!! Yesterday I was doing some busy work on the boat when I realized something. One of my big concerns has been bracing the water side of the hull so when I removed the cap, the hull won't flex out of shape. Then I found this in the front compartment. I had left the carpet in there for no apparent reason. I just thought this was part of the cap. Wrong. I pulled the carpet and realized that this is 1/2" piece of plywood that serves as a shelf for the compartments. Now the best part. It is not attached to the cap but rather glassed and tabbed into the hull. Presumably installed before the cap went on.
Am I wrong in thing that this piece will greatly keep the shape of the hull (at least the front) when I pull the cap. I am still going to brace the hull, but I feel a lot less nervous about it now. Thanks- Troy


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
It certainly won't hurt to have that extra bow brace installed, but you still want to fully support the hull while your crawling around inside it while removing its support system (stringers/deck/transom/bulkheads & glass tabbings)


Jun 6, 2007
Hey PAPABEAR, That ain't no tri-hull? It's even better! It's some type of modified vee? Smoother riding then a tri-hull, and a faster design! But, at the same time, still stable, & low slung. Ugly Betty, is not ugly on the bottom, she's slick! ;)