Styrene vs Acetone for thinning Polyester Laminating Resin


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 6, 2003
I plan on replacing the floor on my boat soon and am in "researching mode".<br /><br />I am wodering what the difference is between styrene and acetone is when it comes time to thining polyester laminating resin for wood penetration. I plan on using 3/4 ply and want to make sure I have a proper water barrier. I have read that only styrene should be used, but have seen many posts wherein acetone has been used with seemingly good results. I am confused, as the styrene proponents are emphatic that only it should be used for the best wood penetration. What say you?<br /><br />I'm going to use two layers of mat over the wood. Would CDX be appropriate or should I use a better grade? The wood is going to be encapsulated prior to the application of the glass and resin anyway so would the CDX be O.K?<br /><br />One more question, I have heard that you can change laminating resin to finish resin by adding parrafin wax to the resin for the last coat. If this is true, how much do you add, does one grate it or cut it or what? Does it affect the strength or cure time when added?.<br /><br />Thanks to all --Ken


Aug 10, 2002
Re: Styrene vs Acetone for thinning Polyester Laminating Resin

Ken,<br />I don't know if there is a big difference between styrene and acetone when just saturating wood but...styrene chemically bonds with poly and acetone just mixes with it. When glassing over old poly surfaces the styrene makes a chemical bond with them and acetone doesn't. <br /><br />Finishing and laminating resins are different for more reasons than the tacky surface...To take the tack away and make laminating sandable you use liquid parafin. The industry used to call it "Modifier C" in my part of the country. The amount used isn't critical but too much will clog the paper up...if memory is right we used approx 20cc per qt to do it. The vendor will tell you how much is suggested.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 21, 2004
Re: Styrene vs Acetone for thinning Polyester Laminating Resin

i used poly resin thinned to rubbing alchol consistency with STYRENE using two coats with 12 hours inbetween coats to seal the wood. Also both coats were applied very liberally. Then I just started glassin. Is very strong. The key is to get the wood to soak up as much as possible before glassing everything together Good luck.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 27, 2004
Re: Styrene vs Acetone for thinning Polyester Laminating Resin

I use both,good thing about using acetone is,once your resin is thin out,applyed,the acetone evaporats out abit,letting the resin to cure faster.<br />The plywood you planning on using is ok.It will be pine,but ok.You didn't say what type of boat you have.3/4" can and will be very heavy for a small boat.1/2",glassed might be better.


Jun 29, 2003
Re: Styrene vs Acetone for thinning Polyester Laminating Resin

The "new" 5/8 ply is actually 19/32nds-only 3/32nds thicker than 1/2, so that's what I used in my last Starcraft, but I didn't Glass my floor, so 1/2 would be good I would think....


Jun 28, 2002
Re: Styrene vs Acetone for thinning Polyester Laminating Resin

I am no expert, but have messed with it enough to know that using acetone will weaken the strenth of the resin. I always use styrene, as Billp said, it bonds with the resin........


Aug 10, 2002
Re: Styrene vs Acetone for thinning Polyester Laminating Resin

For what it's worth...even the big guys used acetone for thinning. Back in the mid 70s SeaRay found out it was bad for gelcoat thinning. Did you ever see gelcoats that had porous "swirle" looking areas on them? It was found to be acetone showing up a few years after the gelcoat weathered. Switching to stryene fixed the problem. I was surprised SeaRay didn't use acetone in the first place...everybody in the industry knew to use it except that one particular lamination manager.

cc lancer

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 23, 2004
Re: Styrene vs Acetone for thinning Polyester Laminating Resin

Good polyester resin has the consistency of molasses in 90 degree weather. It contains styrene, and can be thinned up to a maximum of 50% with styrene.<br /><br />"Good things ain't cheap and cheap things ain't good."<br /><br />With that in mind buy from a nationally known company that has not "cut" the resin, to beat someones price.<br />I buy from Composite one, 30 locations across the US, and they bring it to my shop. It contains the wax and its ready to use. If for some reason I need to thin it I use the styrene, because thats approved by the manufacturer.<br />By the way Jimmythe kid it's made in Lakeland, Fla. so its got to be good stuff. :)


Aug 10, 2002
Re: Styrene vs Acetone for thinning Polyester Laminating Resin

cclancer...Are you use finishing resin (with wax) to laminate or are they selling laminating resin with wax added?

cc lancer

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 23, 2004
Re: Styrene vs Acetone for thinning Polyester Laminating Resin

BillP:<br />It is a blended laminating resin, takes some getting use to using it, but its the only type I work with.