75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

North Beach

Sep 29, 2008
OK, everyone knows I?ve been working on the 21? Mariner for the last year off and on trying to put together a big water center console. Problems with the power plant in our primary boat have gotten in the way. I?ve still managed to get a good bit done on the CC but something?s been nagging at me thru the whole process. I don?t think the semiV hull is exactly what I?m looking for. Not a thing wrong with the setup, I just feel the lower slung 210 Mariner is more of a lake boat than the higher, deep V hulls used on the Sunchiefs, Chieftains, and Islanders.

So I?ve been working on the Mariner and looking for a good solid cheap hull. A few days ago I hit paydirt. A 75 Islander came up for sale a few hours from me about as cheap as they get and the guy who beat me to it only wanted the trailer??? Go figure! So I cut a deal with him and drove all day and came home with the boat.

Some of this info was previously posted over on the Starcraft forums, but we?ve begun the process so I figured it was time to move it over here. I?ll continue working on the Mariner also since it?s a good boat and I just have to finish the job. But the focus will be on the conversion project for now.

It comes with a 165 HP 6 banger I/O (sorry E), rotted flooring, rotted dash, and an amazing hull. Plus my research shows me that there should be no cursed poured in foam.




North Beach

Sep 29, 2008
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

She's been rode hard and put up wet but overall I'm seein the vision.

So where to start......

Dash has completely fallen off on the controls side
Skeg busted off the outdrive
Last time it was stickered was in 08
Hull looks great;)
One aluminum fuel tank, one plastic
On the way home the upper windshield came apart in the center and we almost launched a large piece of glass across I81:eek:
Seats, seat boxes, motor cover, rear seats-gone or shot
All the glass has been caulked at least 100 times....
Motor has dirty oil but NO WATER..don't know if it was winterized but I doubt it
And the sides of this machine appear to be a tad higher than the LL.
Someone did a small 4"x3" repair on the stern below the water line with steel sheet and steel rivets and then 5200'd over it???? Looks kinda nasty!
Outdrive is gonna get taken apart before we decide what to do power wise
And man that straight six is long.............

Here?s a few more pics.





So today we got fired up and started tearing into her.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 12, 2009
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

Sweet looker...are you saying this will become the new CC?
BTW, please feel free to send any boats that may get in your way up here, I have no problem 'storing';) them for you.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 21, 2010
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

oohhh, I'm gonna enjoy watching this one! Me likey CC's!:rolleyes:

North Beach

Sep 29, 2008
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

The first thing to come off were the side panels. This was a tad more difficult this go around due to the vertical gunwale extensions on the Islander.


Then the right side. We?re saving the controls for the 165 (more on that later). You can see the removed inner vertical gunwale extension in this pic.


Next to go was the cabin wall. Don?t need any of that in a Center Console boat. Man, all that wood was rotted about a foot up from the floor. One of E?s buddies up in PA has dibs on the door for his cuddy.


Then we removed the cushions and the top of the bed. The front half will remain for the forward casting deck.


Continued due to too many pics???.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 12, 2009
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

Sweet looker...are you saying this will become the new CC?

Sheesh you might not believe it, but I did go to reading class, might need a refresher though :redface: CC I see...luv it.

North Beach

Sep 29, 2008
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

Next I broke out the ole grinder and began removing the cabin top. Here it is off the boat thanks to the ole John Deere!


Here?s a shot with the top off.


Man, getting those gunwale extensions and the top off really opens this boat up. Once we remove the outer Gunwale extensions we?ll have a nice wide boat to fish in.


And just in case anyone thinks we had an easy day, here?s the pile of crap we removed from the boat. Much thanks to my nephew Anthony. He?s always there when the hard work happens.


Around 5:30 we suckered my brother into coming over for a motor test run. We cleaned up the boat and wheeled her over to the portable water hose setup we rigged up back there to test boats with. We hooked up a battery, hotwired the ignition, poured some gas in the carb, and this is what we got.


Purrs like a kitten!!!!
The plan is to remove the motor and go completely thru it and the outdrive this winter while we put a new transom in the stern.

While the motor's out, we'll flip the boat and get the bottom prepped and painted.

North Beach

Sep 29, 2008
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

Yeah guys I'm tryin to get me a fishin rig. Can't do that in my parade boat:D

and BTW, I'm a little tired now........


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 3, 2009
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

Hi NB:

After reading almost all of your posts over the last couple of years I was wondering when you'd decide to go for the "Big Six"! I'm a big fan of the six and I know you'll be very surprised at the difference in performance between it and the four. If I might be so bold as to offer some advice: Consider fresh water cooling as it makes so much difference in the salt chuck. If you send a PM I can offer more advice in this area.


North Beach

Sep 29, 2008
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

KW, thanks for the offer. I've been out in the boat with the ole measuring stick complaining to my brother about how much boat I'm losing with that looong six in there:( I'll shoot you a pm and maybe you can talk me out of the Gil plate.

OK, trying to move forward here. I only had a couple hours of daylight after work today so I managed to remove the rest of the vertical gunwale extensions, some of the gunwale hardware (clamshell vents, gas fill tube, etc.) and all of the wood framing under the bow in preparation for removing the bow cap.

I also spent some time planning and scheming along the lines of how I'm gonna support the gunwales now that I've gone sawzall crazy:eek: and general layout. This is gonna be interesting since I don't want to go back with all those plywood sides and shelves. I'd rather have the sides exposed and just cover them with something liquid or maybe sheet goods.

Tomorrow my nephew is coming over and we're gonna clean it up and load the console and the leaning post in it just to get a feel for layout before I yank the floor out. This way we can reinforce the underside of the deck before we install plywood for things like the leaning post and T top.

Here?s a couple pics?.




Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 3, 2009
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

Hi Clay:

Regarding the length of the "Big Six": Have you thought of incorporating/replacing the dog house with a stern casting platform? It would put you a little higher and eliminate the long dog house. Sadly, I don't know a great deal about fishing so I don't know if a stern platform is a good idea! Good luck.


North Beach

Sep 29, 2008
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

KW, we threw the huge console and the leaning post in the boat today just to see how she will function. Here's a couple pics.




I think we're gonna be ok with the six. The aft portion of the existing framework for the cabin bed still needs to come out so the console and leaning post will move forward one more foot leaving us some move around room in the back. I think it's gonna work just fine. Plus I'll do something creative with the engine box:D Also, we still have to remove more of the bow cap to open up the bow area over the casting platform. I think this lightened up boat is gonna fly with that 165 I/O.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

I love what you have done with the place NB! Super awesome!


Aug 1, 2010
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

What did you do with the windows on the cabin you took off? Intested in them as mine are cracked......


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 12, 2009
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

I'b bahwanna congawaduate you on da baweutiful careeative job, bbbbut I cawant kwit dawibbling wile I lllook

translated{I'd be wanting to congratulate you on the beautiful creative job, but I can't quit dribbling while I look :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 3, 2009
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

Hi Guys:
The center console looks good in there, eh? Judging by your previous work on the other boats in your fleet I'm sure that you'll make a success out of this one. I also think that your choice for a base boat was the right one as the hull shape seems to be the deepest Starcraft made and would be ideal for your purposes. Good Luck with the conversion. Do you plan on installing a larger built in fuel tank amidships for weight distribution due to the removal of the forward bulkheads and windshield?

North Beach

Sep 29, 2008
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

Joel, I have the two side windows from both the top windshield and the cabin. The fronts were shot. I also have the hand rails that go on top of the cabin if anyone is looking. PM's for that stuff please. I don't want to get accused of selling on this site.

KW, I have a 29 gal belly tank that will be going all the way up front under the casting platform, and as I said earlier, we'll be moving the console another foot forward. We still have the weight of the T Top to consider also.

North Beach

Sep 29, 2008
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

OK, had another good day on the project.

Started around 10 this morning and pulled the outdrive off the stern.


Next step was drilling out all the rivets and removing the 3/4" plywood decking. I left one peice in place so I could begin removing the big six.


Then I removed the wiring harnes, gas lines, throttle cable, shift cable and disconnected all the wiring from the tilt pump. My brother fired up his service truck boom and we began pulling the motor. As soon as we got the motor about 1 foot up off of the deck, the boom went kaput. So we had to jury rig some car hauler straps and a cheapo comealong and we finally got it high enough to pull the boat out from under it. WOW!


Next was removing the final peice of decking and all the foam flotation. Oh yeah, I also removed all the outer rub rail insert.


Tomorrow I'll get the inside cleaned up and get the bow rail off. Then it out with the transom.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: 75 Starcraft Islander 22 I/O to CC Conversion

Looks great!

Hmmmmm that 6 would certainly boost the Limo's top end ;)