"great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

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Apr 11, 2009
well i came across this product and it's polyurethane, closed cell, and water resistant. is there a reason not to use this?can't really find anywhere that it's ok for marine applications. it's cheap, plenty on hand at lowes or walmart. i can't see a downside.



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: "great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

for a small patch it is fine. but it will get really expensive as it does not go far. if doing a complete hull, you are better off with 2 part pourable foam.


Apr 11, 2009
Re: "great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

i may be looking at the wrong place for it, but i see the 2 part pourable foam costing 62$ for 8 cubic feet. at 5$ a can, i can get 13 or so of these cans at the same price, which i would assume would be more than 8 cubic feet but it's hard telling they don't really say how far the can goes. i wouldn't have to mix anyhing, and i can get it as i need it and not have to order it. maybe it's too good to be true....


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 20, 2009
Re: "great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

You will be amazed at how little foam you get out of a can of that stuff. I can attest to it's moderate resilience to the elements as we have used it in a couple places here at my work where it is exposed to water and sunlight. It does OK but not great. They make at least three versions too so make sure you get the max expanding version if you do go this route but if you are doing a large area, I think its a huge expense. Personally, I think for long straight runs I am going to lay in strips of styrofoam and only use the expanding foams for little odd shaped pockets.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: "great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

People have tried it with less than "great" results.....

You can use solid pieces of foam and use that as glue.......

2 part is MUCH better than canned stuff. The cans really do not hold enough to make any differance.


Jan 8, 2007
Re: "great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

i may be looking at the wrong place for it, but i see the 2 part pourable foam costing 62$ for 8 cubic feet. at 5$ a can, i can get 13 or so of these cans at the same price, which i would assume would be more than 8 cubic feet but it's hard telling they don't really say how far the can goes. i wouldn't have to mix anyhing, and i can get it as i need it and not have to order it. maybe it's too good to be true....

Well, I actually looked at this too. The 2 lb density pourable polyurethane foam at USComposites costs as you say $62 for 8 cubic feet.

The Great Stuff in cans is a slightly lower density, which means it'll give more floatation value and less structural value, but let's ignore that for now.

From Dow chemical's FAQ on Great Stuff:

"How much foam is in a can of GREAT STUFF?? The theoretical yield of a can of GREAT STUFF? is measured in lineal feet of a 3/8?? 1/2? diameter bead. One 12 oz. can of GREAT STUFF? has about 250 lineal feet. One 16 oz. can has about 335 feet. One 20 oz. can has about 420 feet. One 6 oz. can yields approximately 120 feet."

So, we can calculate the volume of the foam in a can of great stuff using this. We'll assume you're getting the largest can possible at the price you list, since you didn't mention size. We'll also assume you get the full theoretical yield because you're using the can at the perfect temperature and not getting any clogs or wasted foam.

We can treat the 420 foot linear bead mentioned as a 420 foot tall half inch diameter column. According to the formula for volume of a column, it would be pi * radius squared * height, or 3.1415 * 0.25 * 5040 (in inches). That's 3958 cubic inches. One cubic foot is 1728 cubic inches, or 2.3 cubic feet.

**Edit** I muffed a calculation here. Correct numbers are in the following posts, but should be 3.1415*0.0625*5040=989.58 cubic inches. So to get 8 cf of foam you'll need 14 cans of great stuff. Which makes my point better than my original calculations.

The cheapest I've seen the 20 oz cans for is $8.50 in a pack of 12. At that price you're paying $120 for your fourteen cans, which is much more than the price of the pourable.

Also, it's not the cheapest way to put foam in place :)

The prize for that is taken by using pourable foam filled with cheaper polystyrene or polyisocyanate (pink or blue) foam or other filler. What you do is cut enough pieces of the cheap foam to fill the space in question loosely. Then you mix enough pourable foam to fill the cracks, pour it on the bottom, then put the cheap foam in on top of it and weight the mix down with something that lets air escape.

If you calculate the pourable amount right it'll rise up through/around the cheap foam and glue it all together, glue the mess into the compartment, fill up any bubbles, and rise to the top, where you can shave it off level.

To go even cheaper, collect any foam, plastic bottles, anything foam or sealed that will hold air and not crush easily once sealed. Fill the compartment and fill around it with pourable. The pourable polyurethane foam will stick to just about anything and it's compatible with just about any material.

Bear in mind that using "fillers" like this is cheap, but you'll pay a price for it if you ever need to remove the foam, plus it does take a lot of soda bottles to fill up a boat hull :)

Last edited:


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 29, 2009
Re: "great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

I am presently in the rebuild of a 17' blue fin aluminum boat, aluminum stringers and ribs.The problem I seen when I took the wet floor out was the wet foam.When the two part foam is poured in the hull it seals off any way for water to get into the bilge to be pumped out or drained out.The foam was soaked and rotting the floor from the bottem up.The weight of the wet foam was unreal...it wieghed about 75lbs.When I put foam back in it I will use the pink or blue closed cell foam and stick it together with a couple cans of the spray foam.With laying in the pink or blue foam it will lay across the ribs in the hull leaving about 3/4" under it for water to drain into the bilge.This is just a thought that I came up with if anyone see's a problem with this jump in and let me know.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: "great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

I tried "Great Stuff" against the advice of some people here who know better than to use it.
It expands very little and it sticks to aluminum with a vengeance. In short,it is a mess.It has been 3 weeks in my boat and as soon as I can work up the courage it will be removed and replaced by blue styrofoam.


Mar 7, 2010
Re: "great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

Thanks for the math volume post!
Got me thinking..

I'm just wondering, it looks like you forgot to square the radius in your calculation.
pi * radius squared * height would be 3.1415 * 0.25 sq, or 0.0625 * 5040
So 989 cu inches, or approx 1/2 a cubic foot?

Did I do that Right?

If so, it drastically changes the math on the whole thing.
It would take 16 Cans to get the 8 cubic feet @ optimum conditions.

Okie archer

Mar 6, 2010
Re: "great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

You guys have completely lost me with all the equations and theory. I was reading a good post then half way down I think it went from english to arabic or swahili or something for about 2 paragraphs then back to english. I guess that's what Travis was talking about because his post did the same thing! I'm just glad there are people that intelligent on here to do the thinking for the rest of us! :confused::confused::confused::D


Oct 29, 2009
Re: "great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

just how much of the pink/blue stuff does it take to equal 1500lbs of flotation ??? reason i ask is, if your boat weighs 1500lbs, then you need 1500 of flotation to keep it from sinking if swamped right ??

and actually, it wouldnt have to add up to the entire 1500lbs theoretical would it ?......i mean, the above deck(above water) hull displacement would make up quite a bit of that wouldnt it ??

lol, sorry for hijacking the thread, but it seems pretty relevant i think.....


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 15, 2008
Re: "great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

Great stuff is great for sealing up around doors and windows in the house but for what you are intending I would say it sucks. Take one can of it and try to fill a one cubic foot cardboard box. Ain't gonna happen. On top of that it will be wet forever in thick sections. The pourable foam expand much more and is a two part mix that cures solid in about 15 minutes. It is worth the extra money but I don't think there is extra money.

BTW, the math was incorrect as someone pointed out

3.14 * 0.25 *0.25 * 5040 = 989.1 cubic inches

989.1 / 1728 = 0.57 cubic feet per 20 ounce can (optimum)


Jan 8, 2007
Re: "great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

Yes, I stand suitably chastised. That's what I get for not double-checking my calculations.

The following posts are correct, it's 989 cubic inches per can... so great stuff is actually much more expensive than poured foam.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 19, 2005
Re: "great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

composites one sells 2lb foam in bulk very inexpensively. They sell part A (5 Gallon) and part B (5 gallons ) as a kit for $219.00. That is cheaper then anywhere else. The only problem is that they do not offer it in smaller quantities.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 30, 2010
Re: "great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

composites one sells 2lb foam in bulk very inexpensively. They sell part A (5 Gallon) and part B (5 gallons ) as a kit for $219.00. That is cheaper then anywhere else. The only problem is that they do not offer it in smaller quantities.

check your dates...this is a two year old thread....


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: "great stuff" foam filler. thoughts?

composites one sells 2lb foam in bulk very inexpensively. They sell part A (5 Gallon) and part B (5 gallons ) as a kit for $219.00. That is cheaper then anywhere else. The only problem is that they do not offer it in smaller quantities.

Two year old thread CLOSED ;)
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