1988 wellcraft bowrider to cuddy" conversion (Splashed)


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
hahaha that is the size I need to make to share with the beagles however I think I might have put too much old bay on , dogs had gas so bad I stayed out in the shed rofl!
so got the first 120 tore down the one that he said he had ran , heads looked like he might have so water got in from open exaust most likely
then for grins I stuffed a drive shaft in the coupler of the one he had on the ground and that one spins freely no water in oil so that might be the temporary engine till I get the others rebuilt lol missus was like why do you have to have 3 engines , I said well why not .... :) I think it goes back to days of drag racing and whatnot when always had a extra on hand.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2012
Are you having the 140 sleeved? Not a bad option if you can't find a good block. I don't know if you would ever need two spare engines. One spare would just sit for years two would be a pretty good waste of money. Spare engines in drag racing I agree with if it is a competitive enough class but the boat isn't going to spit motors out every weekend like a drag car. Whatever makes you happy though Micky. :D I'd sell one of the 120's after rebuild. That is, if it's worth it. Might not be worth rebuilding both if they aren't desirable.


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
well I got 2 of the engine blocks degreased acid soaked and ready to go on the grill to cook em off , already did the exaust manifolds and elbows they came out great !
I tossed one out that was suspect but still have a 153 and my 3.0 so that's all I'm needing atm, I am going to replace the pistons on the 1 2.5 l because they are cheap and I screwed up and left them in purple stuff overnight basically melting aluminum lol... shrugs who knew! anyways didn't care because I'm most likely going 20 over if need be with the cylinders anyways just to be sure I got good walls for fresh rebuild , rest of it looks awesome pics to follow


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2012
The machinist should be able to mic. The cylinders and see if you need to boar. A good hone job is sometimes all that is needed. I guess since you melted the Pistons and need new ones .020 isn't that bad an idea. More power in more volume.


Sep 2, 2014
It's a brand of cleaner usually found in the bathroom cleaning supplies section at Bed Bath & Beyond and other such stores.

It's not very nice on the lungs when in a 2x3 enclosed shower.


Jul 29, 2016
No Title

er... whats purple stuff???

I bought some from NAPA as they were having a pretty good sale on it. I find it stronger than simple green, and much more unpleasant fumes when used undiluted.


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Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
purple stuff from home depot if you don't use gloves will take every bit of oil out of your skin burning it, I had big blue gloves man does that stuff work well takes a slight bit of scrubbing on some things but everything is degreased now :)
ok for folks following along this was my set up for steel and cast iron only as it will eat pistons if left in wash for more then say 1 hr.
1 vat of purple stuff for degreasing
1 vat of oxalic acid leaves a yellow dust after cooking off
1 vat of hi ph to neutralize after oxalic acid
1 vat of phosphoric acid
another hi ph neutralizer
gas grill large used at lowest temp to cook off without fearing warpage. this protects metal from hydrogen embrittlement due to hydrogen leeching into metal
as with any acid , must monitor parts closely to be sure they aren't cooking in the acids too long ruining parts.
after cleanup I soak them with wd40 to keep new rust at bay or primer to keep them rust free using metal etching primer.
the last good engine I did not do this process with because I tore down and found it just needs a valve job to remove rust , all cylinders did very well on compression test except I could tell the valves weren't seating properly due to contamination so I yanked head and cleaning up.
dropped oil pan as well and found same slime as all the other engines moisture must get encapsulated in the oil and turns into this sludge I highly recommend any engine you buy to drop oil pan and clean oil sump and pickup as a bear minimum before installing in boat. pics soon :)


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
lil lady said the hillbilly meter is starting to peak so guessing a good thorough cleanup is on the list today for the yard lol 3 engines torn down at same time will do that , lol ugh still have 2 complete outdrives to tear down and store as well then go to office and tear boat down but not much left to salvage off boat just steering shifter and seats/pedestals and front hatch. if anyone needs the glass off this thing let me know I will remove it and hold it for ya but you got to come get it :)


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016

almost ready to put her back in primed new oil pump everything up top getting good oil, valve job,i will do a dry compression test before putting back in boat just to be sure.

don't care for the upside down fuel pump but its brand new so went with it , eventually I will go back to the bowl down version when I rebuild the 140. for folks who don't know , there is two different versions of fuel pump for these 1 bowl down other bowl up, the down bowl rides bottom of cam the up bowl rides top of cam, if you try to install a top bowl reversed the lever doesn't touch the camshaft.
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Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 28, 2016
Love it - when the missus said "time to clean up", u went and cleaned up that engine REAL good!!


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
thanks I wanted to go white because ugh I'm so sick of black engines and it will make it extremely easy to see a oil leak :)
and before anyone says black keeps engine cooler I got two things, 1 not true period. and 2 the engine never gets hot :) I can explain more but it would seem I was getting long winded so if interested pm me and I will share the info :)long story short ,white paint has low absorbency and high emittance.

ugh hillbilly meter is pegged full max so this week after I get engine back together 100 % I'm doing full clean up before I get engine in boat ... or ill never get to it, I will be on the water:)
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Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
yeah , in a car it don't matter much if anything a slight leak of oil keeps the floor boards from rusting:)