Ayuh,.... Not sure what yer lookin' for, But,....
Here's a few lousy pic's of the bulkheads I built to replace the rotten mahogany one under the little windshield, 'n a pair to replace the swollen press-board panels under the dash,...
1st, the little bulkhead, under the little windshield, no wide angle, so port, center, 'n starboard side,...
'n now the bulkheads under the dash,... portside, upper, lower, 'n lookin' back from inside the cabin where the gunnel kicks out,...
The little bulkhead under the little windshield is welded aluminum conduit, 'n flat plate,...
The big bulkheads under the dash are welded conduit, flat plate gussets, 'n vinyl covered 1/2" plywood,...
Waayyy lighter than the originals, even when new, much less the swollen junk I pulled out,...
Btw,.... My tinbarge is a '74 Islander, 221,...